Game: Lie to Me (AKA The VICTIMIZING Game)

I gift my turn to you @samuel_the_leader

Alright @The_early_walker a simple one.

Today’s weather so far has been phenomenal. Not long after @EvoOba posted hers, the bad weather had reached me and it also began to rain very heavily. (She jinxed it lol.)

My internet crapped out just now (possibly due to the rain lol).

I was stuck in a traffic jam.

The third one?

Pic from this morning. Surprisingly no traffic jam. @EvoOba you’re right (up next).

Dude, I’m so sorry! It was pouring!

  • Going out later with some friends, hoping we’ll end up in a Japanese restaurant.
  • All of a sudden my laptop decided not to have sound. It is currently “trying” to fix the problem.
  • I have Thursday off.

It was too! Pic from this morning.

3rd one?

I think you’re on a roll. Yes, I actually have Friday off not Thursday.

Looks like I’m the weatherman today lol.

  1. Due to this morning’s rain, there were small incidences of isolated flooding in my area.

  2. There was a road accident in the rain.

  3. The strong winds during the rain caused a little bit of an inconvenience with fallen branches.

second? [no traffic jam - no accident]
one of the greatest live versions, have to post ot

but music esp. LP here nevers out off topic…lol :relaxed:

Correct, @The_early_wallker, maybe you post next during your lunchbreak or something.

my mobile works only if it likes to, today was not such a day…
-I feel good all in all
-the ODD-game set from @the_termin8r1 drives me wild
-I´m fallen down two stairs today and have a blue eye

The third? I’m guessing you fell down some stairs but didn’t get a black eye.

Guessing the 3rd one as well.

right @the_termin8r1, but I didn´t fell, just a lie…ya turn buddie

When my dad was young (20s-30s) and during the communist rule in Bulgaria he snuck into Austria illegally to live there.

One of my teachers locks my class in the room towards the end of lessons so that nobody escapes when they should be tidying up. He once locked us in for 10 mins past the end of the lesson (I had somewhere important to be) so I got so pissed that I jumped out of the window to get out (it’s a ground floor room with a 1.5m drop)

I’m the only relatively intelligent person in my class so whenever there is some kind of student meeting in the college my teachers always send me (often without telling me until about an hour beforehand).

second, it´s forbidden under justice, to lock kids in anywhere, only at AMOK Alarm it is allowed… this is the lie

You’re right. He locks us in but I haven’t jumped out of the window…yet (I’ve genuinely considered it though).

so now I tag @acemasters, think he´s on to gamble with us, if he didn´t reply within 5 mins, I go to set one more, one more? YES!!! @amitrish, @gatsie where are you guys??? missing ya both here…:disappointed_relieved:

I hate writing
I hate egoism
I hate narcism…
take one out off these, which maybe the lie?

Gonna guess the first one.

Sorry I was at work :frowning: