Game: Lie to Me (AKA The VICTIMIZING Game)

The second one?

Nope :stuck_out_tongue: It’s really damn annoying. I’m trying a specialised shampoo (I have to use it for a month every 3 days) I went to wash my hair about mins ago.

The lie was the third. If I did that my parents would terminate me :laughing:

@TripleXero lets have you :stuck_out_tongue:

  1. I like black jelly beans
  2. I’ve been waking up at noon for the last two days
  3. I’m cold

First one…lol they are, wait, what ugly taste are the black ones? vomit?

I’d say the first one as well.

The second one?

Yes, it was the second one. I’ve been waking up around 5am, and I love black jelly beans

I once had a black jelly bean…it tasted of skunk spray :confounded: Why do people hate on black jelly beans?

Alright, my turn.

  1. People claim that my mother still looks the same, even after 15 years.

  2. People claim that I still look the same, even after 10 years.

  3. My fat aunt still keeps her clothes from the '90s, hoping to slim down to be able to wear them again.

The third one?

No, it’s true. Try again.


Yup, it’s supposed to be 5 years, not 10.

Sorry @The_early_walker :disappointed_relieved: (you’re next)

so it seems to become “regular” this topic, so, let´s see
I have a very serous argue infront of me with my new [since Sept] woman-boss [ever thought, women are the better leaders, but she´s def the opposite of aa good leader] where I have to face my truth to her…

-I don´t like to stand up in the morning at the moment, if theres still somebody at home [husband/daughter]

-after my daughter telling me: oh mum, you always paint same pictures, I suddenly understood, that I have to move…whatever

so choose out guys, what´s the lie? Hope it isn´t too easy for ya´ll…lol :sunglasses:

The 2nd one?

rrrrrrright your turn, lol :stuck_out_tongue:

  • It’s super cloudy (like black colored clouds) and raining this morning and it’s actually pretty cold.

  • I run into a couple of colleagues (regular employees, not kids doing their internship like me) on my way to work, so we all walked in etc. Three of us are in the upper floor so we rode the elevator up. I hadn’t riden it before so I didn’t know it makes weird noises and stops suddendly so I thought we were locked inside for a sec and kind of freaked out.

  • One of them (he is a pretty awesome dude and super cool with us) told me something bad that had happened yesterday and I was really sad.

first one lol,

Yup, definitely first one lol.

Darn it guys. lol Well, half of it is true, it is raining and stuff but it’s not cold.

So, it’s you @The_early_walker again. Unless @samuel_the_leader wants a turn.