Game: Lie to Me (AKA The VICTIMIZING Game)

-looking fwd to 081216
-painting a pic
-my mood is extremely good today
so go on…[ot @evooba: would be extreme nice to have a discussion in german with you…lol mbnexttime :stuck_out_tongue:]

Painting a pic lol

just in time answer Yes you´re right [while moods getting better] it´s yaturn Buddie @samuel_the_leader :joy::sunglasses:

  1. I went to buy more booze.

  2. The café assistant thought I wanted to buy beer (again).

  3. The last T-shirt I saw with words was: WELT không có GERS.


Correct, your turn @The_early_walker. (How’d did you know?)

ot cs I know, you don´t drink away your brain
so me

I´m sitting here watching the notebook
In my back, my husband is cooking
listn to muse right now
so go on…lol :sunglasses:

Second, your husband doesn’t cook.

HE IS FOR SURE ; BODYISINVALIDTRYTOBEALILMORE DESCRIPTIVE ;my answer: NO [no need to be understood, just dumb post…lol :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

Third one lol

right, my dude, it´s you again, :eyes:

Right, *groans*

My mother cannot swim.

My mother thinks that spending €1 on a bottle of Coca-Cola is expensive.

I helped my grandmother buy cigars this morning.

I set out, can imm the lie, …get me @samuel_the_leader?

The first one?

1 Like

No, try again.

The third?

Yup, @the_termin8r1 you’re now victimized.

I don’t wear cologne
My dandruff gets much worse after I shower
I once pushed my sister into a puddle because she was being annoying :laughing:

First one?

Nope. That’s a truth. I don’t see the point. I’m not a fan of smelling of anything. I have a bottle that my parents insisted on buying me, but I hardly ever use it on myself. I use it was more of an emergency air freshener in my room :stuck_out_tongue: