Game: Lie to Me (AKA The VICTIMIZING Game)

third one, you gonna party, wattabout a live-stream??? lol @evooba

If the first is a lie then they all must be. So I’ll go for the third as well.

well considered Robert lol @the_termin8r1 where may be our friends @amitrish, @gatsie, @samuel_the_leader be this time lol :maple_leaf:

First two are true, it’s a ritual of mine when the parents leave to go out. So, since @The_early_walker was first to guess, go ahead.

freaking out on myself and TLT album right now
seems I have to eat sth, …
my daughter an me did not manage to get easter preps

The third one

rrright, we did sm yesterday, it was real nice, she´s ill at the moment, looks like a white wall, but her smiling, incredible…
So, @samuel_the_leader VICTIMIZED again lol :joy:

Wait so it is my turn all along? So sorry @The_early_walker

A few nights ago, I went stargazing and saw the Orion’s Belt in the night sky.

The internet connection is terrible right now.

I am hungry right now.

third cs internets sure horrible

I’d say the first one.

Correct @EvoOba you’re next.

  • I’m fluent in German.
  • I used to speak/write way better English than I do now.
  • I’m better in Greek than English.

too easy, I´ll leave for next and hi @evooba [btw I love, adore RTR at Milton Keynes, we both seem to be real divers in the same…:ghost:.]

I’m sure it was great if you were there but the DVD itself was put together poorly, ruined the good show it was.

The first

No, that’s actually true.

So @EvoOba you really understand @The_early_walker when she speaks Deutsch? You understand all the German things spoken in the German LPUers thread.

Yeah, I understand pretty much everything. I have trouble finding the right word to reply sometimes but overall, German is the 2nd language I know (it was either this or French).

for going on, the second maybe? :sunglasses:

No, that is true as well. The third one is the lie.

So, go ahead @The_early_walker.