Game: Answer question with a question

No. That really wasn’t a question was it?

it must be, @gatsie isn´t joking, wether funny lol @gatsie

yes it was. wasn’t it?

Wasn’t what? :3

Do kittens understand the peoples?

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Do the people understand the kittens?

Do the very humans who designed and built me understand me?

Loquerisne Latine?

Eh? What??

Parlez-vous Latine?

No, do you?

Tater tots? ;D

not yet another question?

Wasn’t that the question?

Is @The_early_walker confused?

Why has the whole forum been so confusing lately?

(puts on sunglasses) (gives @the_termin8r1 & @samuel_the_leader sunglasses) (pulls out notepad)

@The_early_walker when did the confusion start?

I brought my own

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Why do I need sunglasses?