Game: Answer question with a question

You can have this stinking world, I don’t want it :stuck_out_tongue:

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Why do you think I nuked the place? :laughing:

And so it begins… lol

So that’s why it stinks?

Why would I nuke the place to make it stink? I nuked it because it stank.

Right, to sterilise the entire place using radiation.

Why would you not want to sterilise the planet of the human sickness?

You´re talking bout the humans as cancer of the world? I agree 100% lol BUT make the best out of the shit, only pussies do harm cause of this, take your faith and keep the faith, lol nothing is impossible…even feeling lucky, lol :joy:

@the_termin8r1 are you having feelings or are these apperances are sys err?


Word not detected in database

Word: Feelings

OT: Sweet Hornet

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Why do humans find it so hard to understand machines? You built me for god’s sake.

Did you machine man noticed, that even humans didn´t understand themselfes? :laughing:

I don’t get it?

Why must humans be so awesome and utterly stupid at the same time?

I don’t think I know the answer to this?

I may have an answer, but is it the answer you are looking for?

Or will it just leave us with more questions?