for me, that sounds a bit rough. I feel whatever Mike (and the rest of the band) decides to do with Linkin Park now, it’s not “success” or “failure” of a test. they all just lost their best friend, they didn’t only lose a colleague or someone they just regularly work with, they lost someone who they actually LOVE & CARE about. so whatever they choose to do from now on, I will respect that, and they will do it together. they never had a “leader” in my eyes, they have always been working together as equal, so it’s not Mike’s (or anyone else’s) responsibility to make the band continue again.
honestly, I can’t even say what I hope for. I can’t see anyone replacing Chester (as can’t anyone in the band or anyone in the world pretty much), but I can’t see them quitting either. music is what they love doing the most and they’re all goddamn GOOD at it! so one way or another I’d see them continue making music, maybe not as Linkin Park anymore, but we’ll see.
whatever they choose to do, however they choose to continue from here, I will respect that and accept it with all my heart
I trust them and I feel like I know them, I’m sure whatever they’ll decide it’s the only right answer.