Thank you for motivation😊
I know they are part of life, ‘shut up’ just triggered me in a very bad way
The bat would know
Nah, it shouldn’t… it’s different for everyone but words only have so much meaning behind them-it’s you who does that
I’ll definitely be motivational but I’ll also try to say it how it is
Personally I think you/people in general need to shy away from taking things to heart or feeling attacked
Not good for your health…
Yeah, @melisLP here is always making fun of me and insulting me she’s very mean so she’s made me veeeery tough skinned
Haha yeah I’m evil
You’re right, it’s just not that easy
I know it’s not… Guess I belong to those people who are already destroyed enough… I just try to recover from the past…
Sticking your tongue at me, scaring me with that mask there
Jk she’s one of the most down to earth real people on here Downsides include having to look down to see her but the upside is definitely the sweetness
I agree, it’s not. I need to learn to do it more myself
Nooooo frigginnnnn waaaaay
It’s not easy as you said but you’re never “too damaged” for anything that’s what psychs say to have you keep paying them
jk jk I know that’s serious
no but seriously… it’s habits we get ourselves into that we need to break little by little and start bringing positivity into our everyday lives
over time you’ll see the change if you work at it
you’ll have people here to count on too you’ll see
It’s a matter of giving yourself that purpose and reaching out to accomplish it
You’re right thank you
I’m doing my best and I’m already getting better
it will still be a long way but yeah
You don’t need to defend yourself from anyone, you are who you are, we all have our deamons, we understand. I hope you’ll get to believe in our community and recover from whatever you’ve been through
You’re not destroyed, you’re just in a part of your life where you’ve had enough and need to recover. It just needs time. A lot of time. And friends. And those you’ve got here, we’re here for you
Also if you want, you can join this topic here , maybe it will help you a bit to share anything with us. For me, it helped to get some things out and be heard out by the others. And also to read other’s stories. We try to support each other there if anyone has any issues and stuff
@framos1792 you are my hero in this thread…
@Daisy2000 we are strangers between strangers… Words are words, we give them the energy and the power to mess with our heads.
Get over this whole thing and start over!
Thank you so much for your kind and supportive words
Thank you
No issues, its all cool here, we all share the love for the same, we are all sailing the same boat here
Thanks!!! Glad to be here