For people that need or are willing to give up their presale codes

Got my Tickets!!! see you all there


I was able to get a ticket because of you. Strange I never got a email but I bought tickets for Lake Tahoe and San Jose.

Yeah I bought tickets for Oklahoma and San Jose but didn’t get anything… weird! Glad you got tickets! See ya there!

Then I guess they will delete it.

Di you guys noticed that they wont let you transfer the tickets and u must show ur credit card to enter? That’s like really good so that scalpers cant take advantage of this event


Thanks for the code, it worked and got my tix. :+1:

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I got tix, thanks all!

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Any codes available. Really want to take my son. He was devastated. This would be great for him…

Look above. Code LPOML works but you have to be in CA AZ or NV

Not in one of those states.

This would be true but when you order via card you have the option to merely resell it through ticket master. It’s a button available on the past-orders page.

I used my code for one ticket. If you can still use the code for the other one I’ll give you mine.

Thank you that’s very nice of you but I need 2. Thanks again

I only used my code for one ticket. If you want to try my code for the other one let me know.

Hello everyone. There are many other people from this thread who need help with the codes. Please those who are willing to give up their codes can check these too

@jFar920 @derek can we merge this? Both are same topic. There are many people in other thread too who need codes.

Yes please! Would be greatly appreciated :heart:
Much love fellow soldier

Thank you from :uk:

Please I need a presale code too please please please! I live in LA and I have to go there, but need to secure my ticket. Anyone?! Thank you!!!

anyone still got a code only looking for 1 ticket please email me:

ive already booked my flight and hotel from the uk would like to not risk it all on the general sale tomorrow


Unfortunately, I already provided it to someone. Hope you make it though. :metal:

Hey all, I got tickets just now by using the livenation presale code VINYL