Favourite LP album?

Multi-quotes @.@

[quote=LP13413]Multi-quotes @.@

All of them!

Very diplomatic :slight_smile:

Hybrid Theory! Love this album from beginning to the end. Meteora is not far on 2nd place.
I like new stuff too, but not as much as older albums.

Mostly I can’t decide between ‘Hybrid Theory’ and ‘Meteora’ but usually HT wins :slight_smile:

I’ll have to go with Hybrid Theory and Meteora tagging up pretty close. But undeniably, I must say that every single album has this special something that I can relate to any lived emotion at any given time. :slight_smile:

Haha, can’t tell you :wink: I just truly love their music. I don’t prefer any certain record :slight_smile:


[quote=Amy Frank]Reanimation

Hybrid Theory

It’s hard to say which is my favourite album but I guess it’s MtM. It’s a beatiful album. There, LP proved for the first time (and not the last one) that they could do someting different without losing their essence. Besides, I loved the look of the band on those times. Anyway, I love all the albums, they have something unique and they reflect different stages of my life.

all of lp albums are my favorite, cant pick just one favorite :3
at one time i might be obsessed with faint then listen to the whole cd, then send days, weeks on it then move to hybrid theory, ats, mtm, reanimation.

but reanimation was my first lp cd :3 so out of all i do hold a special relationship with it :3

at this time its ATS :smiley: but generell its mmmmmmmmmmmmmm i think its METEROA!!! :smiley:

[quote=intheend]all of lp albums are my favorite, cant pick just one favorite :3
at one time i might be obsessed with faint then listen to the whole cd, then send days, weeks on it then move to hybrid theory, ats, mtm, reanimation.

but reanimation was my first lp cd :3 so out of all i do hold a special relationship with it :3

Minutes to Midnight :). Why? I don’t have a clue xD.

[quote=henna][quote=Estela Muguet]I don’t know. I love them all.
Some days i feel more like Hybrid Theory. On the next week i’ll be listening to MTM, though.
It’s like they represent what i feel when i can’t describe with my own words.[/quote]

I was saying the same! :D[/quote]

me too! :’)

[quote=Kameiko]Minutes to Midnight :). Why? I don’t have a clue xD.


Not a clue? Maybe its cause you like the new direction? :stuck_out_tongue:

I have no favorite album each is a master piece and as a whole perfect. I like to the development of lp over years no matter if they make other music today as 10 years ago, each album is good but each album has his fans and his haters. For me they are all my favorites because i have different emotions and memories connected with each song and each album. For example was my first lp concert at the minutes to midnight tour but the first lp song i heard was from hybrid theory and the most of my favorite songs are from meteora. The last album ATS is the same, on this tour was my first meet and greet and i talk a lot with brad about this album and it was interesting. i cant choose my favorite album because they are all on their own way perfect.

A Thousand Suns. Absolutely. Because I’ve been waiting for something like that for ages. Eventhough I really love LP since I was like 6, something was missing in their music to really get me into them. I believed they could be more grown ups about lyrics and they loved experiments, and they always know what they’re doing. I have never had a single doubt about the fact that Linkin Park is the greatest band ever, but I wasn’t a fan. I just respected them a lot. And then ATS was released. I never cried of happiness before. And this happiness was cause by that enormous love I felt. I had floods of tears because I LOVE this music.
I love every single album though, but the top-four would look like:
