Because I’m thinking of either dismantling them and using their contact pads and wires, but also in case I need some of the specs that are written on (because if I write them down somewhere I’m bound to lose it or forget). Also I found them recently and was testing to see how dead they actually were. I’ve actually got 3 dead ones and 1 live one :stuck_out_tongue: And one that I haven’t tested yet that isn’t in the pic.

Paper notes or that black red-striped battery.

Not the batteries. Also if you mean the white squares next to the dice then no (they’re bits of plastic I’m gonna use for extra waterproofing on my RC).

I don’t see much left. Is it the green one?

That’s a spool of solder and no.

The grey thing to the right of the green thing? (This is getting nowhere)

No, that’s another spool of solder :stuck_out_tongue:

Than answer was this:

It’s the envelope my nail clipper came in. I forgot to throw it out and it ended up getting buried and then it resurfaced the day I took that pic.

@jabinquaken you go, we need another hard one :stuck_out_tongue:

buhhhhhhh … :joy:

Are you serious? Wow! :stuck_out_tongue:

He is incomprehensible.

I don’t do easy. :stuck_out_tongue: Besides, I said look closely.

I can’t think of something hard. Here’s an easy one:



How is this easy? lol

Rob said that we need another hard pic. It turns out hard every time I say it will be easy. So here it is. Enjoy :wink:

ya know he is the master of sarcasmthis @jabinquaken

Sarcasmitis. Good one.

I dunno where to start. It’s like trying to start a manhunt in the Soviet Union.

The empty Panasonic box or the Schubler tool / Vernier caliper?

The cloth thingie?

pink and blue spiders :slight_smile: