No, it’s a solder sucker and it’s not it. Ok, I’ll mark the stuff on.

goes to edit the pic

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the sheet? or is it a notice book ( with the bluish writing on…)

It was already guessed an no.


the sheet near the pen pot? or pod? or pos…

Do you mean the white squares next to the dice?

dice?to much new vok -but I guess I mean this :persevere:

No, not the squares, I’m gonna glue those to my RC for extra waterproofing.

post it under ya money shell or the red ring right infront…

Not the paper under the change pot and not the knife either.

The glove underneath the box of mini screwdrivers.

dark an light blue square on the top of left table?

Not the mouse pad.

left bro not right

@the_termin8r how about this one?

Ooops, sorry missed that post. No, not the gloves

Forgot about this again. The yellow box beneath the glove?

That’s an old (and dead) RC battery and no.

The one with the numbers 4600?

No, that’s another dead one.

Why do you keep so many “carcasses” of batteries? :stuck_out_tongue: