
What’s that?

hole driller, what a word, so, the peace of paper under your money bowl


Also, you mean piece. Peace is the lack of violence or noise.

thanks my friend ,for correcting ya think hopefully, we life/live we learn

so there is only left the bowl itself and a computer stick that is all to see…lol,

So what’s your final answer?

comp stick money can´t be odd? hahaha :smiley:

No, it’s not the usb stick.

So tag sbd, I didn´t got it, or will you wait on?

It was the bowl because it was the only thing that could shatter (it’s made of clay).

You go @The_early_walker

have to find sth first, just a …moment…

so start guessing…

I see a few non LP related things on there, like the FM tickets, that thing top right and that photo/poster under LPU’s letter.

you´re on the right way but it´s in the upper half, up to the letter

The old photo then.

its a pic from me out of 1969…lol :joy: becomming rememrance… nice that you are up and here [with me] @evooba
ya turn dudette, [I laughed so hard for it, @Tenkaichi ]

Hi so you’re awake @The_early_walker!

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seems ya too, how nice…@samuel_the_leader

Fairly easy one, can’t think of anything else at this hour.

the adaptercable for charging mobile?

No, just focus on the 4 albums.

EDIT: You can google them if you’re not familiar with them. It’ll be way easier then.

the diary right upper corner