so we at last arrived at the red marking odd´s suggs out, to see it clearer, how

[sharing this one is like sharing blood…lol]

I’ll mark what’s been guessed already @The_early_walker

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So many things have been marked off, yet we can’t figure out what the odd one is. :stuck_out_tongue:

Because it right in front of you hiding in plain sight

I bet I’m gonna facepalm myself when someone guesses right.

What is that plastic thing that haven’t had an ‘X’ put to it?

What plastic thing? (there are several).

That plastic/glass thing to the right of that very elongated ‘X’

Oh, that’s my stapler. And no, not it either.

What else is left, the earphones or the other wire?

or the other thing over there.:stuck_out_tongue:…lol bye guys, have to leave now…:sunflower:

Yes and no…[quote=“The_early_walker, post:871, topic:13131”]
bye guys, have to leave now…:sunflower:


What do you mean?

The blue basket underneath the desk?

It’s something on the earphones but not them themselves as an object. I practically gave you the answer lol

That’s an old ice cream tub I use for CDs and no. It’s actually on the shelf to the side of my desk but the perspective of the pic makes it look so.

The Samsung head-set? Why wuold you need it, when you have Sennheiser?

I bet it is… The remote control thingy

There isn’t a Samsung headset there. The beige headphones as Sennheiser and so are the ear phones.


Guys, did you read the previous posts lol?

The white thingies? (Dunno what they’re called).

Yes, it was the buds. They’re non standard.