no, nooo, no, thats ok, dunnow what but the odd is sth else…lol :hugging::grin:

Well, it was @the_termin8r1’s turn but ok… he can go next I guess.

Then it’ that figure to the bottom right.

I only thought, mhhh, nice idea, but I thought you were on? letsgo on all I hate is when the spirit is gonne be killed, I want it to flow, from them to us and back lol :grin:

and we got a winner, specialists with high analysing forces: you won, :open_mouth:

Yay! Now you have to guess this:

The white ape?

black pingu?


Yes! Because it’s the only real creature among these. :slight_smile:

LOL just a try, but now Rob, @the_termin8r1it is ya turn, Buddie…lol :grin:

Was it? looks back Oh snap. I forgot that I’d guessed, I thought people were still guessing mine. Yeah, you can go @The_early_walker

nah, you go @The_early_walker I can’t think of anything.

Go on guessing guys

Frischkäse-zubereitung lol

no, that is YUMMY :yum:

So the hint is something YUCKY. Hmm…

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Τhe tissue box?

no they are all clean [the dirthy I messed arround I threw away right before the pic, lol :grinning:]

The bottle cap?

no :grin: neither lol :joy:

Then, it must be the laptop.