hey we born a newtopic, @gatsie…repost with a giphy

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hahahahaha lol :jack_o_lantern::grinning::grin::smiley::joy::sweat_smile::laughing::stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes::sunglasses:

upside down

I apologize, in fact I couldn’t get access to Internet for a day, and still I don’t have any ideas about what to post so I guess it’s @the_termin8r1 turn ! :smiley:

Ummm, I’ll post something when I come up with something shouldn’t be more than a few hours.

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almost 48hrs, that´s not a lot btw hi @the_termin8r1,

new never seen icon?

Whoa, completely forgot. Sorry guys, I’ve been busy getting ready for college.

Ok there’s 3 odd things here, you only need to guess one:

The cases or the piece of drawing (looks like one at least) in the middle shelf?

That ‘piece of drawing’ is a crappy greetings card that they made us make in like year 5, my mum dug it out from somewhere a few weeks ago and I just dumped it there. So you’re correct.

Is it… the usb cable thingy?

No, it’s not that.

The pen jar? Seems to be from something else.

On another note. My dad has the same mouse (except with a red band not a grey one). It’s so small. How do you hold it @EvoOba ?

Yes, it is a coffee container I turned into a pencil case.
Hmm, mouse seems ok to me xD I only use it when I play Sims…

Is it the pencil? The paper has movies written and marked out in pen, yet a pencil on the paper

Don’ t know may I come up with this meanwhile?

What is that glancing thing on Mike’s right hand? Is that odd?