
The power supply is out of shot

-_- It’s not a switchboard.

It’s a bicycle speedometer…that doesn’t work properly because the original circuit was dodgy.

Circuit board. Specifically a breadboard.

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So… In a way I’m right because the power thing is out of shot, so me and or @Jabin_Quaken wins.

And also, no one here knows really what that was until you told us…so… In a way…you’re trying to trick us.

No. Did you not read the rules? The odd thing has to be in the shot. Bad squishy

I’ve posted pics of it in the when and where thread and even explained it before.

Yeah but that thing is lit up but the power source isn’t in shot, so in a way… It’s the odd thing out. Which means VICTORY for either me or @Jabin_Quaken ;D

Congratulations @Jabin_Quaken, you’ve won the Iron-Rob-Anader? Prize.

Neither of you won. The power supply wasn’t in the shot and that’s not what I’m considering odd.

We win ;D yayayyayayyayayayayayaya

is it the entire board :stuck_out_tongue:


Is it the white wire?

lol, no. Why does everyone think it’s the white wire? :laughing:

Sooo is it the white wire lol​:joy:(learned a new word Wire) sry for the caps Auto Core is running :sunglasses:

Cause it’s the only white wire. Personally I can’t see what is “wrong” or “odd” about it since I don’t understand it so all I’m seeing is colors.


And that’s what you’re meant to be looking it.

But in case you want some extra help, here’s a diagram to help you along.

Ignore the little red squares dotted around the diagram.

This black wire?

Basically just enforcing you’re evil robotic body into our brains and wondering why we don’t understand the picture. Can we get another picture that has nothing to do with how your brain works maybe something not encrypted with wires and circuit boards.

Circuit boards! That’s what it was!! Me r so smart muwhahahahahah

Yes. See guys, it wasn’t that hard. I’m using it in place of the push to break switch (top left of diagram just past the 9v rail)

You’re up @samuel_the_leader

you´re up @samuel_the_leader

If @the_termin8r’s was diabolical, try mine:

The tree on the middle right has its top cut off ?

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