its a container nope
2 guesses left

The thing sticking up out of the ground.

nope i didn’t even notice that

The planks just in front of it and the tree?

nope i think i’ll reveal the answer:
that’s it
@the_termin8r i tag you for another one

Big mistake.

I accidentally posted this in the macro thread the other day :stuck_out_tongue:

Ignore the bird crap top left.

No, that’s some kind of air intake/ exhaust port.

Not the antenna

five guesses in one post man…
why this sooo small sized?

So that you wear glasses?

lol my swirling lilac eyes this :eyes:

My eyes are also swirling, trying to see in the dim light.

1 Like

No, none of that.

What are your actual eye colour?


3 guesses left.

the house itself?
the garden itself??

No and no. 1 left

the thing on the chimney?