that blue breaker box?

Seems to be something japanese. Some Mazda/Nissan/Toyota from 90’s or something.

Like this:

Maybe these are odd?

@gatsie @NickGr @the_termin8r @jabinquaken no you’re all wrong :joy:
2 more guesses are left

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posting it again

Can we get a clue?

I know; Its the dot in the corner next to the other dot in the grey area that could also be considered gray depending on what angle you’re looking at it, near the white line above the border of somewhere near that thingy.


zoom if needed that’s all i can say @the_termin8r
@gatsie no

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@theearlywalker hi how are you?

Hi dear, you? Me Fine :grinning:

kinda good :slight_smile:

ya pictures are hard to guess, I like it :slight_smile:

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another clue it’s kinda easy

the red car left?or right? or the red box left to the cars…
:stuck_out_tongue: challange accepted hahaha :joy:

that one had already been suggested and that’s not that either
5 bonus guesses left
lemme post it again

even smaller so it must be bigger, mhhhh :thinking:

another hinbt :its right there in front of you

Bus stop sign?

nope that one has already been suggested

the swimming pool? blue thing behind the trees?