Checking in with everyone

For me a small wedding is the best. Save and spend on honeymoon or on ourselves rather than on the venue and decorations.

Are you going to have some LP in it?


:face_with_raised_eyebrow: speak for yourself :triumph:

Maybe cuz you been out for a min, longer so since I was out too :thinking:

:rofl: blame me :expressionless:
That was an Asian counterpart :expressionless:
Cough cough I do not recall mentioning Lil Kim trapped me cough cough


AYE AYE AYE big fingers always typing but we ain’t ever said anything about big mouth :roll_eyes:

It wasn’t that you felt awkward interrupting(?) :face_with_monocle::joy:

That’s 8 people too many to truly matter :blush:
I mean :face_with_monocle::thinking::confused:
Not that they don’t matter :sweat_smile: just…the important thing is yourself and the person standing across from you :blush:
The setting, the company, the fluff is all just adornment for the special date, nothing more

Truly hope you can have the chance to go through with it whatever date you choose! :blush:

And also hope by now that time and progress has helped from the time of the initial post :hugs:

I say go for a small wedding. That’s what I really wanted.

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You made it so small, you didn’t even invite me :pensive: neither @justinkilmer :triumph: :weary:


Me? I didn’t know you guys yet! :triumph:

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That’s why you we’re supposed to postpone it until you did, so I could go and be the priest :nerd_face:

By the power vested in me, by me :nerd_face:


Just asking for permission to use your words here…
Its just taking facts to another level, bro! :ok_hand:

:laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:
Haa i wish to see that!!!
This is you :point_up: