Checking in with everyone

You guys discussed so load that you woke me up at 4.30. I even wanted to join you but fortunately I fell asleep again before I managed to say:

There are no categories like peace/war or good/evil in the nature. Animals are not at war when they kill.

Also I think that the Earth would do great without humans. For sure better than now.

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Wasps who put there eggs into spides, so their young ones eat their hoste alive, the vital organs last,
Wolves that eat her prey alive,
Dolphins that captures a female and rape her for days,
Lions that take over a female clan, kill all the young ones, so the next litter is thers,
Producing it self as long as there is food, till everything is used up, or something better equipped comes along, or illness strikes…
All this isn’t cruel just for one reason, they have no conscience for it.
As I said before, there is no natural balance in a harmonious way.
If human race would be distinguished, some other species would clame the place on top.
That’s Darwin’s theory, evolution. And all science and earth history backs this up.
Yeah, and I sure see, that we are on our best way to distinguish us, taking a lot of species with us down the drain.
But I will not stop believing, that we can turn this wheel around!
We are the only species that has the ability of defining good and bad, set a morale compass, feel compassion for others without having our own advantage with it.
I believe in love, tolerance, compassion, science.
Yeah, extremely rare trades now adays.

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That’s what I mean. But there are humans who do the same and more although they have


The truth is people are just dumb.



I think this is a normal way most people are feeling right now and I don’t believe it’s anything to do with restrictions of the lockdown… but more about feeling hopeless and scared. It’s clear now that anybody can be affected by the virus and that we could even potentially give it to someone who may die… and that’s the worst part of this reality. In truth, we can’t avoid it as we still have to go out (even if only once) and the truth is there is unlikely to be a cure anytime this year. Therefore, this anxiety and fear is a normal human reaction. If we were being attacked by killer birds we’d all feel the same way because this isn’t our normal way of life. Sure, the birds will all die off eventually because the human race still has the rest of the earth to destroy…, but until then emotionally we want to save everyone and we want this all to be over. It will someday. We’re all in this together so keep talking and sharing your story. I’ll tag you in the other thread too (although I know from experience being new here does make it hard to fit in at the start but everyone here is brilliant!) :slightly_smiling_face:


@zanybelle, I’m supposed to be getting married on October 17th. :crossed_fingers:

@Fravaco I think we’re all entitled to be grumpy arseholes sometimes. :kissing_heart:


You told me, that you can’t please everyone, so don’t. And we are happy that you rejoined us. Even it’s for a while. :wink:


Lockdowns can be tough. Being introvert i think it was a bit easier to cope with the saying indoors and away from people since its in our nature to be okay with our own company.
A few of my friends who were totally social are finding it tough to deal with it.


How are you doing @Fravaco ? Is the mask keeping you safe? Check in with us and say hello! Always good to hear from you.

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So my wedding has been postponed, it could go ahead on October 17th but with a maximum of eight guests. :frowning:

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For me a small wedding is the best. Save and spend on honeymoon or on ourselves rather than on the venue and decorations.

Are you going to have some LP in it?


:face_with_raised_eyebrow: speak for yourself :triumph:

Maybe cuz you been out for a min, longer so since I was out too :thinking:

:rofl: blame me :expressionless:
That was an Asian counterpart :expressionless:
Cough cough I do not recall mentioning Lil Kim trapped me cough cough


AYE AYE AYE big fingers always typing but we ain’t ever said anything about big mouth :roll_eyes:

It wasn’t that you felt awkward interrupting(?) :face_with_monocle::joy:

That’s 8 people too many to truly matter :blush:
I mean :face_with_monocle::thinking::confused:
Not that they don’t matter :sweat_smile: just…the important thing is yourself and the person standing across from you :blush:
The setting, the company, the fluff is all just adornment for the special date, nothing more

Truly hope you can have the chance to go through with it whatever date you choose! :blush:

And also hope by now that time and progress has helped from the time of the initial post :hugs:

I say go for a small wedding. That’s what I really wanted.

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You made it so small, you didn’t even invite me :pensive: neither @justinkilmer :triumph: :weary:


Me? I didn’t know you guys yet! :triumph:

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That’s why you we’re supposed to postpone it until you did, so I could go and be the priest :nerd_face:

By the power vested in me, by me :nerd_face:


Just asking for permission to use your words here…
Its just taking facts to another level, bro! :ok_hand:

:laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:
Haa i wish to see that!!!
This is you :point_up: