Wasps who put there eggs into spides, so their young ones eat their hoste alive, the vital organs last,
Wolves that eat her prey alive,
Dolphins that captures a female and rape her for days,
Lions that take over a female clan, kill all the young ones, so the next litter is thers,
Producing it self as long as there is food, till everything is used up, or something better equipped comes along, or illness strikes…
All this isn’t cruel just for one reason, they have no conscience for it.
As I said before, there is no natural balance in a harmonious way.
If human race would be distinguished, some other species would clame the place on top.
That’s Darwin’s theory, evolution. And all science and earth history backs this up.
Yeah, and I sure see, that we are on our best way to distinguish us, taking a lot of species with us down the drain.
But I will not stop believing, that we can turn this wheel around!
We are the only species that has the ability of defining good and bad, set a morale compass, feel compassion for others without having our own advantage with it.
I believe in love, tolerance, compassion, science.
Yeah, extremely rare trades now adays.