Chat Room (TLPTV2)

Cool cool. I know y’all want me to go on but I really got to be getting back to work.


I’m watching the cowboys giants game too. Gotta hope Gallup continues to bomb!

Noooo. Stay

Dang. Gallup caught a td

Like me.

I never watched:
Captain American II
Guardians of Galaxy II
Captain Marvel
Black Panther
and I guess just those.

My disappointment is immeasurable and my day is ruined

Go, and stay strong dude.

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I’m always strong Chief

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Repping 145


@alz89 are you asleep?

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but with nicer teeth of course.

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Oh totally, cleaned up of course :joy:

What’s up dude? Any way to get you involved here? :upside_down_face:

Involved how

Popping in here, speaking to people as opposed to being a pro at lurking around haha

Everytime I tag you guys it strikes me that we don’t poke at you or Jordan unless something’s up :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

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But that’s just it, we come when we are needed. I don’t really add quality to discussions nor do I really connect with people on here like I used to.

And I do? :flushed: have you seen anything I say? Lol…

Aye, if you don’t mind me asking-because of the band being quiet and this becoming just social? Or just comfort wise?

I still say if you got pulled into conversation maybe you’d ease up :thinking:
Y’all are the old timers, oughta be setting example :stuck_out_tongue:

Jk to be honest I suppose I can actually get that, moreso recently :thinking:

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I think it’s a generational thing, LPU has always had all age groups and back in the day I didn’t mind talking with the older people on the forums. But now that I am the older person, I’m just like meh. I got shit to do so I’ll lurk, make sure people are good and be on my way. Try to keep this place, which honestly requires very VERY minimal intervention, as happy a place it can be.


Yeah but see with you gone now we don’t have the older generation to look up to- go look at @LP13413’s most recent post in the laughter thread and see what we will become with the older gen not teaching us :joy::joy:

But I see…I get it :unamused: we boreeeee you :triumph:

Agreed :thinking: it’s pretty unique…

How’d you fade out? :thinking: just one day up and quit and went into lurking or gradually :thinking:

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