Chat Room (TLPTV2)

Don’t you dare :triumph:

Hey @derek :blush::wave:

Hi Derek! What’s up! Time with no see you around here.

See, everyone wants to mess with you and at least say hi :grin:

Ignore The scary yelling german lady’s threats to me, she’s just…well…threatening me… :eyes:

I wouldn’t say I faded out, but this place just doesn’t require the attention it used to. On the old forums I had almost 20k post, I was busy. Here, not so much. Even then I didn’t converse much really,I kept up with just a few threads. So nothing new really.


You want to mess with him. Derek ban him! Jajaja just kidding dude, to be honest I am glad to see you.

Would you like to spend some minutes discussing no sense things with us? Juts because :slight_smile:

In the interest of some I shall, how is everyone?

Yourself or posts to look over??? :exploding_head:

I see…
remake those threads :thinking::grin:

How is your basement live going? Still down there?

I am for now, but I am returning upstairs soon.

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See why I ask about the fading away, soooo unwanted here :joy:

Pensive I suppose haha but besides that liking the thought of you and @jFar920 being here when the thread closes :partying_face:

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Myself, which wasn’t that high compared so some.

I think they are here already.

I’m guilty of being playing Clash Royale :see_no_evil: Also I’m still working on my book and I might visit Mexico in the next 3 years :slight_smile:

I had to stop playing that cause of almost throwing my phone multiple times, lol.

Mostly play Brawl Stars now, very fun.

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Sorry but lmao

See @IronSoldier16 :rofl::rofl::rofl:


Jajaja don’t lie, I said some posts above that people loves you :unamused:

Maybe tomorrow, those spammer take advantage that I’m working :confused:

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20k posts in total right? I can’t fathom a year or anything :exploding_head:
Going to check my yearly total lol

:exploding_head: I have to go warn my cousin to hide!!!

Lmao would you advise our friend here to stop playing as he literally has done that numerous times, most recently leaving himself without a phone for weeks LOl

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Oh that’s amazing! The fact you used to play it, no how your phones ended jaja.

I don’t play Brawl Stars (I started, but then I quiet and I followed with CR). My cousins is who plays that, he likes it. Maybe you can play one day.

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I lied, it was only 18k, but I did delete some of my post so when the old forum died I’d be at that number. #palindrome


Jajaja too late dude, I did my plans with her :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:
So she and I will finally each other!

Exaggerate! Just 2 times, those were related with wifi problems :sweat_smile:

But now I back :sweat_smile: that’s something good, right?

Did he talk about she?:thinking:

It so is :blush:

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