Chat Room (TLPT 3) MIA



Traitors!!! :angry:
A firing squad is too good for you, you should be skinned, put in a cage of wasps, then boiled in boiling oil and left to rot in the deepest dungeons… How dare you listen to something else!!! :rage::angry::dizzy_face:


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I take this!
I’m freezing to death right now!
The fucking touchscreen reacts on heat?
Its not really working with that cold fingers.

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(I could answer this but for various reasons, I won’t… people could go in shock :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:)

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I had hoped :joy:

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Sure, bump me in another thread… Firstly, I think the real ‘judgement’ here is centred about my “opinion” on referring to twenty one pilots as crappy (in a throw away comment at best). Surely, if you believe that people can like whatever they want you shouldn’t be trying to silence my view to start with? Why can’t I dislike that band and how I am preventing you or anyone else from listening to them by doing so? If you respect everyone’s taste in music, respect that I don’t rate them as highly as LP and never will.

Secondly, there’s no way for me to know they have such a big fan base on here. It feels like I’ve stumbled into the twenty one pilots forum, not Linkin Park? To explain, it is widely understood that in the music industry when other bands become popular they become a threat to existing bands. It is very much the same model in any business. And yes, the music industry is a business just like any other and therefore they react accordingly. When I referred to this I was trying to explain the reasoning behind OML and why it perhaps wasn’t as successful or as LP sounding as it could have been. It’s always good to use examples when you’re trying to explain your view point to prevent it from being misunderstood and misrepresented.

Please do not misrepresent what I’m saying because I referred to a band you listen to as crappy. I also referred to Blink 182 as crappy and no one cared… Still, they are fucking cool enough to know they’re crappy and have it proudly displayed on their twitter account!

Let’s agree that opinions are like arseholes. Everyone has one.

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I’m with you on this…
Sorry, @anna834 and other 21(:stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:) pilots fans
But we still love you (despite of the musical taste :joy:) :heart:

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Gonna slide these in here real quick






LP was inspired by them just as much as they were inspired by LP. That’s why their music is so similar and they share much of the same fan base :man_shrugging:


I’ll do you one better

TWO things I can hold dearly :nerd_face:


Oke… And so, what is your point again?
Because Chester and LP liked 21pilots, we should too?

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No no,
The argument kinda morphed into top stealingggg fans away from LP allegedly when that’s furthest from the truth

Thanks! I still like everyone on here regardless of their music taste. And despite @framos1792 face palming me with Jeremey Clarkson (a sentence I never thought I’d say!). The worst thing you can do to a Brit. I’m devastated (Jake Peralta style!) :frowning:

No Nintendo any of it :persevere::joy::joy::joy:

Face palming you?
Who’s Jake Peralta? :grimacing:

It wasn’t about stealing them. It’s about the pressure it creates on the existing bands to keep performing. Just because Chester liked them (he liked everyone, he was awesome!) doesn’t mean their presence didn’t cause LP pressure, particularly from their record company and sponsors and fans!

Friendship over :unamused:

Sooooooo… you expected other hungry bands to fold to LP? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

I do love LP but it’s up to them to work through all that and push ahead with their own deal or adapt to the market
Same as a business, same as styles and fads, great bands can do that and to say other bands stress them is handicapping them again

Wanna get rid of charts and awards and give everyone participation trophies(?) :crazy_face:

Lmao oops(?)

I like other bands/music and respect they have talent (which I will never possess). I didn’t claim anyone should fold - be it their fans or them themselves. The fact remains, when you get similar products in a niche market there are added pressures. Basic economics. You can’t deny that. And LP fucking tried :broken_heart: sadly cause and affect followed. And yeah, I wish they were given the time to develop an album they truly loved instead of folding to keeping up with new sucky bands because the market is so fickle. That’s just me.

Brooklyn Nine-Nine. He has my sense of humour!

Does that mean they failed then(?)

An opinion :grin: I’d say they were proud of what they put out
They’ve grown personally too so there’s change

And they have pleeeeenty of resources to do why they want at this stage

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I have not once seen it :innocent::stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye::smiling_imp: