Chat Room (TLPT 3) MIA

It’s annoying to have not really any likes left.
Sure sign that @Fravaco is in the house.


It was worth a shot :upside_down_face:


And @jrtrussell :thinking:

So, did you get them back… I didn’t come online last night, especially for you :innocent:

I don’t try it :smiling_imp:

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Gang gang my boys

This thread is lacking

Do you really wonder?
I wasn’t MIA

It’s still lacking


I speak facts. It needs the spam to survive

And there is no spam

Now we should also take over your spamming dutys? :flushed:
A little bit lazy my dear. :sleeping:

Who said it was my duty? :thinking:


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Well I delegate it to @IronSoldier16

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Little to busy, my dear. :kissing_heart:

Don’t count on me to do that. This thread will die as the first one did: With honor and full or funny talks. Nothing of no sense spam :triumph:

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Come on Manuel, just a little :pleading_face:

Just as you said once:
That face doesn’t work on me :stuck_out_tongue:


I can’t remember to even make that comment or that face.:see_no_evil:
So I was probably not in any state to remember anything. :grimacing:
Oh! F*** I am lucky to got away from last night with just that little :joy: