So was looking at some stuff the other day and thought this could be a fun little topic in which to let the imagination loose lol
pretty simple-people always caption their pictures and stuff, want to make memes out of things, so lets get all the creative people out here to brainstorm the best caption you can think of
we can see how this goes but i figure there doesn’t have to be an “order” to it- yes @ironsoldier16 ANARCHY! jk jk…
just mean there wont be “turns” here
just post an image you find and people can caption as they go
rules are to your own moral judgement lol keep it relatively clean, dont get offended in here, its all in fun
here’s mine:
I’d caption it with
“Fml, I still don’t understand this new mustang’s direct fuel injection system howdya, wherdya, whodya?
what would you caption it as?
or add another random picture, well see how it goes…