I love mushrooms so much!! ____
A: No? No idea what it is.
Q: Are you photogenic?
I love mushrooms so much!! ____
A: No? No idea what it is.
Q: Are you photogenic?
A: No
Q: Today my “Castle Of Glass” arrived. Where can I put it? I have no place for one more CD on my Linkin Park Shelf:
A: Start another row on top of the current one.
Q: Does the guy from this vid (below) look like Rob?
A: No he does not
Q: Grilled cheese or croissants with cheese?
a: grilled
q: scaring someone or being scared
A: Both
Q: White or yellow lights?
a: white
q: Greece words or Latin words
A/Q: What are Greece words?
LOL, if I could, I would write something in Greek but not sure if the characters will show up.
I was being a grammar Nazi. It’s ‘Greek’ words.
A: Latin. Feels profound even when you write poop.
Q: Do you have a favourite number? not lucky, but favourite.
A: 7, 13 and 15
Q: Do/did you learn Latin at school?
Alright… Google Translate and Japanese symbols :
A: No
Q: Am I the only one who wonders why Latin is a dead language? I mean people can read it and write it. So why not speak it too?
Sorry that made no sense…
A: There are many old languages out there, would be cool to revive them. But I guess it’s something up to the person wanting to learn and practice the “dead languages”.
Q: Mayo or ketchup?
I guess it’s about time I told you I used to learn Japanese…
A: Not as easy as it looks. It’s actually f***** hard to learn to write and understand it.
Q: A language you’d want to learn?
My question or your Japanese?
Pop culture…or actually, no. I’d rather be viciously tortured for an extensive period of time before I embrace it.
A: Meh
Q: Best type of jokes?
Q: Do you have/had a penpal, or something similar?