Can you touch your shoulders?

A: (of a person) having unusually flexible joints, typically those of the fingers, arms, or legs.

Q: So… anyone ever experimented with drugs?

A: I tried to cure a headache with panadol once but it didn’t work.

Q: Does medicine work on you?

A: It’s kinda bad, but for paracetamol to work for me I actually have to right away start with the allowed 4000 mg dosage and then throughout the day pop a pill whenever the effect weakens. I always end up with double the dosage. Which isn’t healthy, so I prefer to just stay in bed and sleep it off. Much healthier.

Q: If you are in a situation where you are very dirty, extremely tired and very hungry, would you eat, take a nap or take a shower first?

A: Eat and then blackout

Q: When you’re ill does it hit you really suddenly and really hard but only last a short while or do you get it for a longer time but at a lower intensity?

A: No. To tell people the truth, for the last half decade, I having being living life with a slightly elevated forehead temperature (slight fever).
2010-2015: Temp ~37.4°C
Before 2009: Temp 36.6°C
Medication only suppresses the fever momentarily.
I think I often complain about migraines in the forum here - isn’t migraine headaches that cannot be cured by painkillers?

Q: Has anyone of y’all tried alcohol when you were under the legal age limit?

A: Yes.

Q: When was the last time you partied real hard?

I think migraine is an actual medical condition that only some people suffer where as anyone can get a headache and it’s not as serious.

A: Never

Q: What was the last party you went to?

A: Well, didn’t I just mentioned that I have The Seven Year Fever? (Extremely long term, extremely low intensity)

A: It’s a party every weekend. Seriously, it never ends and is quite exhausting :confused:

Q: What’s the perfect party in your opinion?

You did not quote the whole thing. What I was asking was Migraines = Cannot be cured by painkillers

A: Not many people, just close friends gathering at a house having fun. Usually alcohol and a tichu (chinese card game) are included which makes it even better.

Q: Have you ever been dragged to a party/club by your friends that promised you a good time (even though you knew you wouldn’t have fun)?

@the_termin8r1 That’s the one I was telling you about. (photo off the internet cause my tablet is refusing to cooperate). It was given to me by a kid I met the first time I went to London.

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A hunting party :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Interesting. What does it do? Also it looks a bit like a bishop from a chess set if you take away the big circular bit.

No, the closest I’ve come is my parents trying to encourage me to go to my high school prom. Which was pure crap. I could go on for ages, but the bottom line is that it was 4 hours of terrible music, food from the Costco that was quite literally across the street and over priced fake coke from the bar (because the school was hosting it at a Hilton :unamused:). I paid £5 for a pint of fake coke. I ended up amusing my self by trying to burn an ice cube with one of the candles on my table lol.

Q: What’s the worst way your friends have embarrassed you?

@the_termin8r1 It has rose oil in it. Basically smells like rose lol. On the other side it’s blank and says “Bulgaria” lol.
Ohhh high school proms. I didn’t go to mine. I attended the graduation (for the sake of my parents) and then went home and partied by myself lol

I’ll leave the q for someone else.

Yeah, my dad told me once that apparently Bulgaria was famous making high quality rose oil or something like that. I don’t like the smell of roses, it makes me gag for some reason. On another note, I’m familiar with not only their smell, but the pain they car bring too as I’ve fallen into a rose bush with a bike :joy:

Proms… Yeah, those are only “fun” when you’re wasted.

A: Worst way a friend embarrassed me? Uh… I can do that all by myself, really, leaving them with the ability to tell about those embarrassing moments.

Q: Books or comics?

A: Books. But I enjoy some old school comics too. I also need to start reading manga.

Q: What do you usually do when you meet with friends to hang out?

A: Drink coffee, eat, watch TV or jam.

Q: On the scale of 1 to Shinoda, how creative are you?

A: I am very Shinoda

Q: imagine dragons or how to train a dragon.

a: how to train a dragon

q: mushroom soup or tomato soup?

A: ewie… Hmm…b?

Q: did you watch super girl? ;D