Can you touch your shoulders?

A: well my sister says it’s weird…but I like to take my french fries and dip into my vanilla shake then eat it.

Q: aside from Linkin Park or anyone related to them, if you could meet one famous person, who would you me and why?


Q: If you could meet someone from LPU forums (none related to LP), who would that be?

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A: Already met a few tbh, but not sure I can chose someone from here. If I could, I’d chose everyone.

Q: Would you jump off a tall building (let’s say 4-5 stories up) if a trampoline was placed underneath it?

My answer was going to be @Derek

A: Hell no I wouldn’t, I’m scared of heights and I would not do that.

Q: if you can visit one planet in outerspace, what planet would you visit?

Upset, no. That’d be stupid. Trying to prove a point, yes. People say I get too determined when I try to prove something and usually go OTT, sorry.

A: You lot…duh

Q: Pick a user from this forum, then describe what you think they look like. The chosen user must then reply to say whether you were right.

A; Make it 15 stories and I might consider, 20 and I’ll def do it, any less and no.

A: Does Endor count?

@the_termin8r1 just drop it, because you probably think you were right and I think what I think. so just let it go

And secondly… What the hell is that

A: no -.- no it doesn’t count.

Q: The same question stands, if you can visit a planet in outerspace what planet would you go to?

Wow, you were’t kidding when you said you didn’t read the post :laughing:

What was there to be right or wrong about? The argument was about who has been around the longest and I clearly said it wasn’t me lol.

@the_termin8r1 To quote Anna from frozen, ‘i’m just…im just blocking you out cuz I gotta concentrate here…’

A: I choose Pluto. For some reason, I love Pluto.

Q: Do you have your weekend planned out? If yes, what’s on the list?

A: my plan is to watch evil kids and spam a whole bunch of people.

Q: what’s your favorite color?

A: Black

Q: When was the last time that you were in the cinema? (for me it was 2011 lol)



Q: What do you say when you leave for the day (i mean like bye, see you later etc)?
[I am off for the day. Laters!!]

My answer was: before I saw Jurassic World this year, it was 2009 when I seen Transformers 2.

A: i’m going to go raise hell! Hahah jk, I say nothing -.-

Q: what is your least favorite color?

A: Pink

Q: Are birthday parties a thing in your country?

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A: no, we celebrate bunnies instead @.@

Q: let’s get ready to rumble or streetfighter?

A: Streetfighter

Q: Alice in Wonderland or The Mad Hatter?

A: i’ve never seen either one, but I like the name Alice so…

Q: if you can live anywhere in the world where would you go and why?

Ummm, the book? Anyway Alice is cool:)

A: Well Ive lived a few different places, but I’d like to live in Paris for a while, beautiful and great food!

Q: Would you rather ask a question or answer one?

A: Why do you ask?

Q: Favorite theme song from a cartoon?

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