Can you touch your shoulders?

A: It’s not something I’ve ever done before now, but trying it, it was easier than I thought

Q: Would you rather be really hungry or really full, to the point where either option hurts?

A: well either way for me it hurts both ways so neither >:3

Q: favorite movie of the year so far.

A: Guardians Of The Galaxy

Q: Who would you really like to just punch in the face?

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A: not sure :3
Q: Golden Corral or Pondarosa

A I’m sorry, they sound like horrible diseases. But I figure they are names of something else?

Q Would you rather eat Durian or Brussels Sprouts?

They were or they are restaurant.

A: well that fruit doesn’t look trust worthy and long pieces of greens… I guess I’ll go with the veggie.

Q: my nephew wants to know what are the game you are good at?

A: Sonic the Hedgehog, mostly any of them. And Mario Kart and Smash Bros, any of those, too

My pro Smash Bros skills:

Q: Games you hate?

Very fascinating Jordan

A: i’ve never been a big fan of sports games, also not really a big fan for StreetFighter I’m more into Tekken.

Q: what is one game from the 90s and you think should be brought back now?

True true… Meme is like that, always has been. I rememer her from when I first joined. Honestly, my first reactions were “WTF?” but then realised that’s how she is. We had crazy poopies back then…

A: Hmm, I enjoyed Mario a lot and Zelda. I’m sure I can think of a few more if I do some digging but those just come to mind right now.

Q: Door knob or handle?

watta f… @TripleXero ! And you really got fun with it? For me it means headache, too old me :older_woman:
A: Knob, cause youre sure, the door is closed
Q: What do you do sitting in class and feel, theres a fart in you that must desperately out, but you´re unsure, if it escapes by standing up and leaving the room, and it´s supposed to bea big one!!!

Err, in that instance you kinda were, you criticized my apparent ‘death to you’ post (which wasn’t meant to be taken seriously) having made some yourself.

Past couple of months, but everyday, and I was on plug quite literally all the time (other than that I play my cards close to my chest and am a reserved person). I like to think they (@TripleXero @EvoOba @The_early_walker @Gatsie @samuel_the_leader @amitrish) know me well enough. I can’t say about @purrfect and @lp13413 though (I’m assuming they’re active during different times, most likely when I’m asleep).

Also I sense that you are suddenly trying to turn this into some kind of competition which I really don’t get. But in case you do want to, I’d like to say that in the 2 months that I’ve made 3.2 times more posts than you have in 106.3 months (8Y, 10M, ~1W).

My posts per month count is: 335.71 (705 / 2.1) yours is 12.23 (1300 / 106.3) - I’m using the release date of LPU 6 as a reference point for when you say you signed up, because your profile says 2010.

My post per day count is 11.02 (705 / 64) yours is 0.40 (1300 / 3232)

I’m aware that these calculations are saying that I have no life (which is completely true and I don’t care), but I’m trying to prove that I’ve made myself just as known as you.

I will say no more on this subject…

Back on topic:

A: Keep it in

Q:Work alone or in a group?

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A: Work out the details on my own and then work with the group for the final result.

Q: You’re suffering from a rare illness. The only way to prevent you from dying is to spray yourself with either of these two bottled smells. You will have to spray it on 3 times a day to make sure you won’t die. Which one do you choose?: Smelly feet or smelly armpits?

A: Armpits

Q: Funniest song lyrics (any artist)?

A: Apart from LP’s Mmm…cookies (LPU 8) cd, this

Q: Regular or mechanical pencil?

The forum posts only go back to LPU11, and since you can’t see LPU posts, a big chunk are missing. She actually has about 1,300 total posts

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Thanks for the head’s up.

12.23 per month and 0.40 per day then.

Original post edited.

@the_termin8r1 …yeah sorry I didn’t read a word you said I kind of zoned out…but you sounded really upset…

A: oh, mechanical pencil for sure!
Q: using scissors to cut something or X-Acto knife

A: Regular pencil, always!

Q: One weird thing that you like the most?

@amitrish ;-; I already answered ;-;

Damn these bunnies are quick!

A: Scissors.

Q: One weird thing that you like the most?

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