Can you touch your shoulders?

@The_early_walker u also spell machine as maschine, huh as häääääääääääääääääää and @samuel_the_leader as samuel the lurker

Won’t u puke if u eat spicy after alcohol? (Just puked just now. :blush: )

A: I’m a nobody:

Q: For those of u here whose native language isn’t English, do u prefer to use British English or American English? (Not just the [slight] spelling differences [eg: Roads Untravelled vs Roads Untraveled] - eg: @the_termin8r1 says potato crisps [UK term] but I bet the rest of us prefer saying potato chips)

A: I used to use British English only back in the day. At this point, whatever comes at me when I need to speak or write in English. I don’t know if it happens in other countries too but here, schools teach British English because they consider it “better” than American English. There’s also the stereotype that taking exams from the Cambridge university and not Michigan (the American one) is considered more “formal” and it’s said to “value” more in the future. If you ask me, that’s total BS. As long as you’re capable of communicating, it doesn’t matter.

Q: A crazy dream? (good or bad)

A: I once dreamed I was sitting in the train and someone murdered me. So I was dying. And then I somehow thought about wether that was a dream or not but I figured out it was not a dream because I could not see anymore and I could not more so I was actually dead. Obviously I wasn’t, but it was strange.

(I prefer American English, because I find it easier to understand. It has mostly less accent/dialect, or at least it seems like that to me.)

Q: Which device(s) to you use to go online and why?

Funnily enough I don’t, I say chips for crisps and fries for chips. Otherwise I use proper English. Non of that aluminum nonsense.

A: Laptop, because all phones and tablets are retarded and I don’t own a desktop.

Q: Why do Americans mispronounce words of their own invention? Like for example ‘cop’. In Britain we don’t use it often but when we do we say it as it’s spelled. Yet in the USA they say something like ‘Cahp’ and turn the ‘o’ almost into an ‘a’. Why is that?

Aluminum nonsense? Who says u don’t say crisps @the_termin8r1???

Let me highlight it for you:

A: You mean like lieutenant? Do you pronounce it leftenant (like other ppl in the UK) or lieu-tenant?

Q: 7-Up or Sprite?

That was from an old post on another forum, I interchange it but mainly say chips.

Nobody has ever said that in the past 2 centuries lol. We all go with the general pronunciation.

A: Neither, both are revolting.

Q: Why can’t people who speak English as a main language pronounce words like Einstein, Frankenstein, Lichtenstein properly? They all pronounce them with an ‘s’ rather than an ‘sh’. I’ve also noticed that people mispronounce Skoda as well.

A: I honestly have no idea. I don’t think it’s an accent thing either. I mean, you just need to be used to how people speak. Oftentimes people have this “idea” in their minds that they won’t be able to understand British people (or Australians or Irish or whatever). I honestly don’t understand it lol. If your English is at a satisfying level then you can understand and communicate with anyone.

Q: Since we’re on this language topic, which other languages are/were taught in your school? Here, kids start English in the 1st grade, French or German in the 5th grade and a 3rd language (usually Spanish or Italian) in the 7th grade. (That is kind of new though cause when I was still in school the 3rd language wasn’t taught)

A: Here English is compulsory (obviously), I started getting taught French in year 7 (though the school did it from year 5 I think- I happened to join the school at Y7). Then in Y8 in high school I continued French and then people were either randomly put into either Spanish or German as well as having to do French. Then in Y9 you pick one of the two langs that you did in Y8. Then for GSCE you don’t have to do a lang unless you chose to.

Q: What’s something that will always piss you off regardless of your mood?

A: I don’t know, there are a lot of things that can piss me off

Q: We all know that English is main foreign language at school. What’s your second foreign language? (for me it’s German, but I would love to learn Spanish or Russian [or any other Slavic language])

A: For me it’s French. But I don’t really speak or understand any french at all, I’m really bad at it.

Q: Which year did you start learning english? And do you understand english movies?

A1: The moment I came to the country in 2003.
A2: Yes I understand English films :laughing:

Q: Most annoying program on your computer?

A: Pretty much every single one at this point. I’m also internet-less these days so that makes it even worse (finally switching providers, so yay for fast internet coming next week!)

Q: When ordering delivery/take out (whichever term you prefer), do you do so online or by phone?

LMAO! (I don’t want to sound insensitive with this). Have you ever changed providers before? They give you a time gap and then overshoot by three times as much :laughing:

A: The only food I (rather my mum) orders online is pizza. She uses a laptop.

Q: Widow seat or aisle seat?

@the_termin8r1 Yeah we have a couple of times. Never waited more than 3 days to get everything to work properly again, especially because we have a all in one package.

It’s def not like that over here lol.

A: Definitely window seat! :smiley:

Q: KFC or McDonalds?


Q: Is there a lot of helicopter/plane activity around your house?

A here in my lil village only if smo had a bad accident or heardt attack, but a year and half ago I stayed in a hospital emergency one, there was helicopter- rushhour every day btw 1600 and 1800
Q Do ya stay in a good a bad livesituation right now?

How do you mean so?

Q def @evooba: meaning are you mostly satisfied and feel you´re on your way or is the groundmood more like, it all is wrong and I´m unhappy or I´m on my way etc, etc, hope makes it more clear?!