Can you touch your shoulders?

A: Nothing new. I will start Boy meets World marathon soon.

Q: Most frequently used app on your phone?

[@evooba the internship process is more or less the same in all the countries. Since you are in BA, I would suggest try to learn the basics on your own, 'cuz honestly, no one has time to teach a newbie in any industry (until you screw up something major). Since it’s just a week, give it some time. Have fun, study a bit, notice how things are, and how bad your life will be when you are out of college :stuck_out_tongue: By the end of the month, ask your reporting manager to assign you some task. Don’t head on straight into things. And don’t forget the have fun part.]

@amitrish Thanks. I talked with my supervisor as well and he told me the position I’m at has no “real” work. Other kids in the firm I’m at do stuff but I won’t. I guess it was just my bad luck striking again. Funny thing is, I’m done with uni. I’ve passed all my exams, done my thesis and everything. I basically have nothing to study or prepare for. I kill my time playing Mahjong games all day long… I’ll be looking for that fun part though.

A: Tweetbot (Paid Twitter app, way better than the official one. Sucks it’s not available on Android)

Q: Something you regret not doing because you were being stubborn when you were first asked?

[OT: I will allow someone else to answer the above question.
@evooba I think I shouldn’t be providing you any career counseling in here, but here’s an idea. Voluntarily, help your friends in the other deptts, and let your RM know that you are doing so. This will keep you busy, and you will learn something more useful than Mahjong-skills, which will help you when you are done with it 6 months later. Informing your RM will do nothing but make him aware that you are willing & enthusiastic to work, and will keep you both in good terms. Professional relationships are important. And just in case you are willing to pursue a career in a different field, take a break and learn those skills in your spare time.
Free Counseling Over]

Thanks but I did that already and was yelled at. They told me my job is to stay put in my office and do nothing even if someone else (other than my supervisor that is) asks for help. See why I’m so bummed? :confused: Just gotta get through these 6 months so I can get the hell outta here asap.

A: me stubborn? never… :sunglasses:
Q: plans for halloween this year?

A: As weird as it may sound, Halloween is not an “official” holiday here. We have a Halloween of our own earlier in the year, before Easter, but it’s not as fun and exciting.
Personally, my friends and I have been celebrating Halloween for years now (I was introduced to it at a very young age while I was still in the UK). Basically we just get together at someone’s house, bake cookies or whatever and watch horror movies… and eat, lots of food lol. So, I assume that’s what we’re gonna do this year too.

Q: Speaking of holidays, something special you have in your country that is not celebrated elsewhere?

A: We have Sinterklaas on the 5th of December. During this holiday, a white old man with a beard dressed in a red pope suit, with a bunch of black painted “helpers” [white people dressed up like black people] on a boat and bring gifts and candy for the kids.

As a multi-racial person coming from both white grandparents and black and Asian grandparents, I find it a very offensive tradition. And a lot of people of color feel the same way about it.

Q: How was your day?

A: You already know my answer :laughing:

Q: A word you have recently begun to overuse?

@Gatsie Sounds like a different version of Santa. But yeah, seems offensive to me too.

A: I say awesome a lot.

Q: Are you afraid of meeting new people or are you always up for it?

A: I’m not afraid by any means but I don’t actively seek people out.

Q: The most tedious thing you have to do ATM,? It doesn’t have to be important or compulsory, just long and tedious (I bet it can’t beat mine).

A: Well… I’m supposed to sort out over a dozen boxes filled with books and sort out the junk in the shed. But I keep postponing it. :dizzy_face:

Q: Are there things you always must do before you leave the house? As in, a routine you have, or whatever?

Try burning all of it lol :laughing:

It’s still not as bad as what I have to do. As you probably know, I’m a fan of the Ratchet and Clank games. I also happen to like the OSTs as well. So I tried looking for a legit way to get them but found nothing. Then I rather easily found a site that lets you DL most of them for free.

There were a couple of games that weren’t on there. So after a bit more digging I found a site that had those OSTs. Except when I finally DL’d one of them (it was 232 tracks long [8hrs] and I had to DL each individually) I found that it was total BS and the files didn’t work regardless of format. So then I found out that I can convert Youtube vids into MP3s.

Now I have to C&P the link of every vid (from a PL that I found) into a converter. What my main problem is is that all of the track names begin with the name of the game and they don’t show up in album order (in the folder to which I’m downloading the conversions) so I now have to rename each track and give it its track number within its name so that they are in order.

Now if we assume that the process for finding a song, getting the link, downloading and converting it, then renaming it takes about 1 min to complete we’re talking about 232 mins (3:52.0002 hrs) of doing that. I’ve only done about 20 so far. Gonna do the rest tomorrow.

Not really. probs just go to the toilet and take my jacket (it’s got loads of pockets and I keep anything important in there permanently (apart from my phone which I keep in my trousers when I’m out or on my desk at home).

Q: Am I the only one who absolutely loathes perfume adverts?

A: Definitely not.

Q: I thought I was gonna wake up today, come here and find out we’ve passed the 1k mark. Where is everyone? lol

A: @EvoOba just wait a moment, don’t be too anxious and

Q: I just realized this qns from a long time ago wasn’t answered. :blush:

Not sure what the question is…

Q: Have you met any celebrities?

A: Ummm… Depends what u mean by celebrities…


Me neither

A: No

Same here.

No thanks

YES! 1000th post. To be honest I split one post up into 4 parts just to get the 1000th post :joy:

@BELL_LP I told you I’d get the 1000th post. If it wasn’t you who said I wouldn’t then sorry, I must have gotten mixed up.

Q: Worst type of public transport (e.g. bus, train, etc…)?