Can you touch your shoulders?

Here, it’s nothing special though. Actually it’s annyoing.

ot @the_termin8r1 throught me out, come back after 20 mins try it again on the link you sended, but the short moment was cool love this song thanx

It’s ok, but I have to go in a bit as well, sorry.

on borp ayc worromot ynnuf,

(: neht worromot uoy ees

1 Like

Ha ha sooooo off topic😂 Food is def most asked - so I’ll ask another!

Q: what’s you favourite cake/icing combination (I am making a cake for someone this week, so I’m thinking ‘cake’)!

A: Tiramisu italian style
Q: your favourite soup?

.(sekac yad b 'sdik fo tol a no ti teg uoy tub mret lacinhcet eht togrof) hguoht citsalp tfos ekil sleef taht ffuts taht etah I .gnippot doog a ekam seirreB .TTO og t’nod cohc ekil gnihtemos s’ti fi rO .stros fo maerc a ekil etsat ni thgil gnihtemoS :A

ruos dna toh esenihC:A

?sekoj gnikcarc ekil uoy oD :Q

Mmmmmm nice choice!!

A: cauliflower cheddar!
Q: fav pasta combination - pasta shape and sauce

@BELL_LP Cool you get it, but it cost me too much concentration to do it now, I´m off now, have all a good night good dreams giving us power for tomorrow :kiss:

.ragus dna sllehs aeS :A

Q: What language have my latest replies been in? @The_early_walker , please don’t answer this as you already know :laughing:

Ha ha @The_early_walker sweet dreams :sleeping::sleeping::sleeping: I’ll try and think of questions! Nearly at 1000 posts :facepunch:t2::facepunch:t2::facepunch:t2: @the_termin8r1

lol ylreporp krow reven sitome enohP .erauqs ,tsif ,erauqs ,tsif ,erauqs ,tsif si ees I llA

A: backwards. But it’s exhausting. My brain hurts :sob:

Q: post your favourite emoji

A: :poop:

Q: How do you wipe?

I haven’t tired the sugar pasta yet. Still u seem a big fan of it u should give it a go! @the_termin8r1

A: Waiting for them to clarify…

Q: All you can eat exotic-choose-your-own-cuisine buffet, or an all access to the heavenly-out-of-the-world drinks? (Both offers are valid for 1 time only)

I just realized I forgot to ask a question in my previous post, sorry about that.
But you guys raped my notifications lol!

@amitrish Don’t know how it works in other countries but here, before you can graduate from university, you must do a 6 month internship in the field your major is. Mine is Business Administration, relatively easy to find something to be honest. So yeah, I just started mine last week and I hate it. I do absolutely nothing for 8 hours. I sit around, watch people pass through the hallway and order coffee for my superior -.- I didn’t imagine it to be so bad. I talked to the human resources department today and asked if they can put me elsewhere so I can actually do work and be useful somewhere but they can’t. So for the next 5 months and 3,5 weeks I’m stuck.

A: Food, always. Lol

Q: To those that watch tv and/or follow tv series, any of the new ones that have caught your eye?

Well it was supposed to be a direct confrontation

But the internet… (I think you get the rest of the story)

I get it now. Though going on your phone was a mistake in the first place. My phone for instance takes forever to load a page on any browser and network and then when the page finally loads it’s usually too big for the screen or is deformed for some reason :confused: