Unofficial LP Underground Dubtrack Community

Damn :confused: Oh well…

let´s start an iniciative to rise legendary LPRadio, cause a music fanclub site needs to have such a comfort…just a suggestion…rise AGAIN …but would be crazy! Comming together in sense of hearing music and get a eeling for each other, me, I miss plugdj while cooking right know, how easy a ritual installs himself to a need

Well, you can go on Juqster. No one is online right now though.

Lol, I came on just as you posted that.

What is that ju…?
Are you there?

It’s like plug but slightly worse

I’ll try to come on later, otherwise I’ll try from work tomorrow.

it’s ok, it’s not like your missing anything. The whole place is pretty miserable :confused:

bullshit LPRadio LPRadio starting an iniciative, smo who could do such stuff mb @TripleXero has to make a board, where we can chose: whether like to get such a place here inside the lpu (like plug-dj) or not, than we can see if it is deseved by how many and the HQ get it known… maybe not possible but it´s worth a try at least

I already created an account (sam_leader) ughhh

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The LPU has a chat room already. No one goes in there anymore though lol. Plus, non LPU members don’t have access there so Juqster is the best thing we have right now.

@evooba thanx for the information! :sunglasses:

I did not understand the picture, I shall now slap you with a rubber ducky of doom

@intheend [spoiler]muffin[/spoiler]

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hey @TripleXero cool effect, how does this miracle works??? to make the unseen clear??? I adore to get it known… :stuck_out_tongue:


So I found this site. It’s confusing, though, but worth a try. Still better than Juqster

There’s playlists, but I don’t think they are for anything other than keeping your music organized, since you still have to queue from the playlist. I guess I’ll need 2 people in there to actually understand it

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hey @TripleXero I tried to create an aqcc this morning, and even that doesn´t work for me, anwer I get answered sth like “wrong rechapter??” thanx for the
[spoiler]help[/spoiler] you´re so great!!! :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

the message was “invalid recaptcha” what does that mean???

Captchas are the random letter and number combination things that come up when making accounts or logging in or other similar situations that you have to match to prove you’re a person and not a robot (for spam purposes). The site is kinda crap, though, I think we’re better off waiting for