Can you touch your shoulders?

LOL, congrats!

A: Tram’s the worst here. Such a waste, they should have saved the money for the metro (aka underground).

Q: First artist you discovered as a kid?

A: Train, we un-officially named it “No-Service” around here.

A2: Tina Turner

Q: Chicken legs or wings?

Congrats everyone on the 1000th post

Q: If you were allowed to, who would you include in your dream band? (You can have all the members of the band from different bands, Max allowed members is 8.)

A: That is so hard!! Come on :’(
Clarification: Dead or living (or both) musicians allowed?

Q: What is your dream line up of bands in a music festival (10 max)?

@evooba Yes!! You can pick anyone, but they should be legitimate musicians.
I have been meaning to ask this for long, and would have created a new topic, but i know not many will answer, so… :smiley:

You’re both killing me right now…

A1: Lennon, Cobain, Corey Taylor, Dre, the MCA, the REV, McCartney and Shinoda. (I’m leaving Delson out of this dream band with a heavy heart btw).

A2: In an ideal world, ideal festival where all bands played full sets, I’d have LP, Rise Against, Avenged Sevenfold, Five Finger Death Punch, Atreyu, Funeral For A Friend, Of Mice and Men, Red Hot Chili Peppers, Alice Chains and… a super group consisting of amazing musicians playing varioua covers.

Q: If you could have lived in an era when one of the greatest artists was still alive and playing shows, which would you chose?

A: I don’t know

Q: If you had to invent a strange yet effective weapon involving an existing animal, what would it be? I’d make stonefish knuckle busters :laughing:

Yeahhhhh!!! I knew you’d get there, was just waiting:)) I didn’t help much this week :laughing: Whats the new target? @the_termin8r1

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2000 posts & 2000th poster? :stuck_out_tongue:

Ha ha sounds good!! :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

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A: Unicorn rainbow gun. Does that make sense?

Q: Worst social network site?

Has to be a real animal. Also rainbows don’t seem harmful to me.

A: All of them

Q: Longest album you have (Tracks and/or run time)?

A: Not totally sure, but I think its Green Day - International Superhits, thats 21 tracks.

Q: Why can’t I seem to add a picture on my blog page? I must be doing something wrong, but can’t figure out what???

A: Gotta upload the image to a separate platform like photobucket or any similar site and then post the link in your post (it has a feature of adding the url in the tabs menu).

Q: Is it weird that sometimes I feel like going to one of those trampoline places simply to jump around and have fun at this age?

@the_termin8r1 But that’s the point, not being harmful.

Impressive, but nothing compared to what I have. Ratchet and Clank A Crack in Time (it’s a video game) has an OST that’s 232 Tracks and 8 bloody hours long :grimacing: Then comes RAC Tools of destruction with 81 tracks, this is just 4 hours long lol.

A: Nope, I like trampolining a lot though I haven’t done it since PE in high school. I was second best in my class of chickens who didn’t even want to try a simple back-drop, a guy tried and nearly gave himself whiplash and another kneed himself in the chest and had to go home :joy:

I was second to a girl who was going as far as learning front flips and back flips (and managed to pull them off). And as far as I know she didn’t practice in her spare time or go to any clubs or anything.

I see. Also, I wouldn’t consider it as harmful. I’m the honest truth type of person and can be very blunt at times. It’s also why it’s quite literally impossible for me to get offended. People who react to offensive comments are funny because it must mean that said comments are true, otherwise why react like that? And even of they were you should just deal with it.

Q: One thing you really want to do that most people of your age have already done?

Thx so much @EvoOba :grinning:

HA HA you asked the perfect question re album length @the_termin8r1 - yeah my answer was an epic fail by comparison, luv it! :joy:

A: actually can’t think of anything… either I’m lucky to have done the things I want or I don’t care too much what other people do…

Q: Just saw Numb video on TV…so whats your fav LP video (its probably been asked, but I lost track of all the Q’s)

Not really, OSTs can have an endless amount of tracks. The term ‘album’ was a bit vague on my part, sorry (the longest non-OST album I have is Reanimation). Mind you you’ve no idea how much trouble I have to go through to get it [the OST].

That last paragraph is total nonsense as I tried to DL 18 songs with the program I found and my internet nearly died. It took a solid 50 mins to get all 18 with many songs coughing out mid download (multiple times) which meant having to re-DL said songs.

A: Somewhere I belong

Q: What is the most annoying thing that has happened to you in the past 2 days?

A: I am forced to give up my freedom to watch two demon kids, yet again. And I will be forced to watch them, more than two days.

Q: aside from Linkin Park who is your other favorite band?