Can you touch your shoulders?

A: small &intimate venues, cause the flow touches deeper
Q: run away or stay


Q: The zombie apocalypse is upon us, they have just ambushed your home and you have to defend yourself. The weapon to your right is your only weapon of choice. What is your weapon and how are your chances of survival?

Ok, I don’t like zombies and stuff at all but…
A: My tablet’s case. No idea how that is useful at all, chances of survival are pretty slim lol
Q: Hotel or camping?

A : camping
Q : Favorite female singer?

A: Amy Lee (of Evanescence) :blush: :blush: :blush:
Q: Which vegetable do you hate the most? (Dunno where this came from, Vegetarian Rob is never filmed eating anything but bread, at least what those yt comments say)

A: Eggplant
Q: if you could have any super power, what would it be and why?

A: Implant ideas in a person’s head. rather than super power, it sounds more like a sci-fi! I wanted to do this long before Inception was released.
Q: What will you do when you see an endangered animal eating an endangered plant?

A: Laugh, then kill the animal and burn the remains of the plant, that way neither of them survive
Q: Should I ask a possibly offensive question in my next post?


A: Why?

Q: When did you go to your first funeral?

A: For as long as I could remember, there were funerals… :frowning: My mother went to a funeral when she was pregnant with me, and brought me along to a few more funerals when I was a baby/toddler.

Q: Speaking of such doom & gloom thanks to @Gatsie), when do u think would LP’s career possibly end? (Cherish the years left: remember u dunno what u got til it’s gone)

A: Soon, I’m giving them 5-7 more years tops.
Q: Anything you regret not doing when you had the chance?

Because said question is a joke that some might find offensive.

Also that’s both a question and an answer :stuck_out_tongue:


A: Going to an LP concert with a friend when they offered :disappointed: Yes I know, I’m a horrible human :confused:

Q: Do you have / have you had an actual addiction to something, if so what was it? (I’m guessing somebody is going to say smoking).


A : Gadget… haha :stuck_out_tongue:
Q : What’s the worst behavior you’ve ever done in childhood and make you regret it? could at the time at school, neighborhood, or family…

A1: I’ve only ever thrown 2 huge temper tantrums in my whole childhood where I smashed up a lot of my possessions out of blind rage (I’ve still got the marks on my bedroom wall). Funny thing is that I don’t actually regret it because I didn’t break anything that was of importance to me.

The trigger of the tantrums in both cases was my mum who had cleaned my room and had rearranged 80% of my stuff. I was beyond livid. There are only a few things in life that make me flip out like that and going into my bedroom without my permission is one of them (let alone moving my stuff), I’m ultra territorial of my personal space. It’s funny how my mum thought she could do it a second time and expect to get a different response from me :laughing:

A2: Behaviuor that I regret would be letting a guy keep his teeth after he punched me in the face once, honestly had it not been for the fat dinner lady, that guy’s teeth would have been permanently embedded in his brain, or I could have punched his nose through the back of his head (hit me [with bad intentions, not like a smack on the back or an accidental football to the face- which is funny] and I’ll hit you back hard enough to cause permanent brain damage) :joy:

Q: Am I the only person on earth who hates mint flavoured things (toothpaste, ice cream, chocolate, etc…)?

I know these answers make me sound like a complete twat, but there are only a few things that make me go into full terminator mode lol. Otherwise I like to think I’m a reasonably nice person. :grinning:


A: Millions of things. (Many are very personal)
Something impersonal - Eg: Where is the explicit version of High Voltage (2000 reprise)?

I can sympathize with that. I had to buy the clean version of ATS because it was the only CD on sale at the time :unamused:


A: Mint Chocolate isn’t chocolate, & mint ice cream ain’t ice cream. But mint sweet (eg: tic tac) is ok. And mint toothpaste & mouth wash is alright (cuz I don’t swallow it obviously)

Q: How obsessed with LP are you? (I read somewhere that apparently LP fans are like the most obsessed kind of fans)

toothpaste is the only mint I can tolerate

A: I listen to the music obsessively, but don’t own any merch. Also, how can we be more obsessive than fans of main stream pop artists like Bieber and that 1D group (or something along the lines)?

Q: Are there any car nutters/ petrol heads here?


To answer your question in your answer (answerception!): Dont compare fans, especially rock & metal fans to the likes of 1D fans! When will you guys understand the difference? That was not a question though.

A: Yes, many.
Q: What’s the song that can make you dance anytime?