Can you touch your shoulders?

I’m leaving for Germany the day after tomorrow.

Last country you went to?

I haven’t been anywhere but Greece… But I will go somewhere eventually

Dream vacations?

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Dream country? (If any which you would like to visit except your own)

A: England but I’m already here so… Japan comes next.

Q: Do you fancy going to art shows?

It can be fun, but I haven’t been to a lot. I usually don’t have people who are interested in going with me.

When was the last time you were on a boat?


A: When I was about 12-14 with my sister, she was fishing and I was helping :slight_smile:

Q: Which adrenaline sports do you like?

Snow boarding… Thought never done… I want to


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A: Sailing, skateboarding, climbing… anything really. (even though I haven’t done any of those in ages)

Q: What’s one completely random item you have in your house that has absolutely no use but you had to have it?


I don’t buy things like that. The closest thing I have to what you’re describing is my flamethrower because ultimately it just sits there gathering dust as I can’t use it (just the flamethrower, not the car it’s mounted on).

Most used item on your desk other than your computer?

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My pencil

What’s the item that you don’t have at the moment but want to buy soon?

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White gel pen


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my textbooks

whats something unessential yet you cant walk out of your house with?

When does the session starts??

Nothing… What bout u?

it started last week but ordered them and they’re taking longer to get here than id like

necklace and pocket knife

favorite subject?




favorite pasttime


Favorite sport?

what??? :crazy_face:

Swimming, bike, volleyball.



Favourite song for today?

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Another one of my projects.