Can you touch your shoulders?

These, but fabric-made

Have you eaten any junk food recently?

A: oh a lot of junk food. I just love it.:yum:

Q: Have you ever went to a carnival?

A: Nah, Halloween is way better than carnival.

Q: Do you injure yourself without noticing often?

Yes, I usually find out I’ve injured myself when I start bleeding on whatever happens to be in front of me whether it be my lunch or work or something else :joy:

Q: Do you like the taste of blood (I hate it)?

A: I kinda do. I know that’s nasty but I don’t care.

Q: what is your favorite food?

I have to say anything with potatoes

What’s your favorite candy?

A: sour powers candy.

Q: what is your favorite movie?

Harry potter

What’s your middle name?

Middle name? You mean parental one ?"

Α: Middle names are not a thing where I’m from.

Q: How’s the weather today?

A: A bit of fog, but otherwise it is fine:

Q: Do you know how to do cooking using cornstarch?

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A: Kinda? I use it mainly to thicken up sauces.

Q: Did anything unexpected happen to you today?

A: Yeah, being bothered to do things.
Q: How was your day?

Α: it was ok, not as crazy as yesterday. Preparing for tomorrow though, mentally.

Q: Yours?


Q: Last thing to piss you off?

A: The Senior Master Sergeant who didn’t give me a chance to adjust my work schedule for her and instead went straight to my boss’s boss which makes myself AND my boss look bad. >_> Entitled a-hole…

Q: What did you last eat as a snack?

At the movies pretzels

What’s was the last movie you watched?

A: Rogue one. This was from January:

(Upload always takes a long time, no matter what connection)

Q: What connection are you on right now?

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Home WI-FI
Q:What was your first social media account?

A: I think FB and Twitter shortly after.

Q: Yours?