Fav videogame?
Ratchet and clank tools of destruction
Your current hobby?
A: riding me bike
Q: favorite TV show?
well, Bykov’s lectures(literature)( dunno if this is counted as a show)
Favorite book?
A: I don’t have a favorite book.
Q: favorite cereal?
A: Most cereal makes me sick because i eat it with milk but it’s not good without milk so idk… Probably Reese’s Puffs. I eat them sometimes anyway.
Q: Do you like Motörhead?
A: Yeah!! \m/
Q: Did something upset you today?
A: I feel a lil upset all day don’t know why.
Q: What’s your favorite time of the day?
A: Dawn
Q: Do you get bothered by others’ thoughts about you?
A: I try not to.
Q: When was the last time you were sick?
A: I’m sick of the tension,
Sick of the hunger,
Sick of you acting like I owe you this,
Find another place to feed your greed,
While I find a place to rest
Q: What will your tombstone read?
“Here lies a dead guy, a victim of boredom” or “This is not the dead guy you’re looking for, move along” or “Nothing to see here, just some dead guy”
Q: yours?
A: Now i’ve finally got enough sleep
Q:best headphones you ever had?
My current Sennheiser HD 598
Have atrocious sound quality but excellent picture quality or vice versa?
A: I’m a total audiophile, so I think I’d say atrocious picture quality.
Q: What are you craving right now?
A: For candy right now .
Q: The most things you hate about people?
A: i don’t do hate… but i can’t stand being ignored.
Q: Do you like the snow?
A: when I was younger but now because I am older I just hate the snow hard to travel to school and back home?
Q: what is the most thing you love about summer? What to s your favorite season?
A Sunny weather and summer festivals
Q What’s for dinner?
A: fried chicken with fries.
Q: what about u what are you having for dinner?