Can you touch your shoulders?

A: forks
Q: What is the worst name people would call you?

A. They called me “Japhy” and I was like… WTF… So duuummmbbbb… :rage:
Q. What do you do on your free time?

A: Listen/play music, broswe stuff online, sleep.

Q: What’s the weirdest thing you have in your house?

A: We have… quite the mechanic stuff in our home… we have a bicycle collection, a trophy case, car parts, hubcaps hanging in the living room, and a lot of tools …

Q: What’s some weird stuff you have in your home?

A: I don’t have anything weird in my house.

Q: From all the bands that you listen to. Which is your favorite band and why?

A: Rise Against, because…

Q: What are you doing for St. Paddy’s tomorrow?

A: Nothing, I make that day my lazy day depending if my mother or anyone else from my family calls me to do some work. Even though I truthfully hate doing work.

Q: what are going to do @evooba?

A: That’s tomorrow? I suppose I’m going shopping, but not because of the holiday .-.

Q: Is anyone doing something interesting for St Patrick’s Day? (Or answer Coolcat b/c we always seem to type at the same time xD)

Α: I’m working tomorrow but we might go to a pub or something after.

Q: How’s the weather today?

A: it’s horrible

Q: if you want know why? I could tell you why?

A: Sure, tell us

Q: Why? xD

A: It haven’t been great for me because I’m been getting annoyed easily now and I don’t know why it could my house or my school between the two. School is hard of course and sometimes I just want to stay by my self so that people don’t have to bother me.

Q: How was your day today?

Α: I did nothing and it was great! It feels good to be lazy for a change. I just went for a quick coffee with a friend like an hour ago.

Q: Any plans for the weekend?

I think I’m staying at a friend’s house overnight tomorrow.
Have you ever had ringing in your ears from either an ear infection or tinnitus?

I think the ringing is called tinnitus. The longest I’ve had it is for 3 days straight and it happened from literally nothing, I was browsing the net and it just happened.

What’s the longest time you’ve had your ear ringing?

My ears have not stopped ringing for a week straight and it’s really bothering me because I can’t focus on anything when there isn’t noise, but when there is noise I get too distracted.
Would you rather have to deal with violent tinnitus or stomach cramps all the time?

I’ve felt this way before… But you can’t give up on people, it doesn’t really help. I guess maybe you should focus on your hobbies whatever they may be, and try to think of something that you could do to calm yourself down such as walking or playing an instrument/music. It’s not a good feeling when everything makes you mad, but that anger can be used to fuel energy for positive things.

A: How about neither :grimacing:

Q: Would you ever bungee jump off a bridge?

A: Yes, I would because I would love to do that. It sound fun to do. I’m not scared of heights yeah I would.

Q: would you bungee jump off a bridge ?

A: Yes, on my bucket-list :stuck_out_tongue:

Q: Do you own a bucket-list?

Not a physical list, but I have stuff in my head that I’d definitely like to do before I die. (Visit Italy and see the Vatican, visit Germany and see sections of the Berlin Wall, visit France and go to the Louvre, visit New Zealand and see Hobbiton, spend Christmas Day on one of the beaches of Australia, Go to Times Square in New York for New Year’s…these are just a few of what’s on my list. :slight_smile: )

How do you want to celebrate your birthday this year? (Or, if it’s already passed, how did you celebrate your birthday this year?)