Can you touch your shoulders?

A: Brown

Q: What color are your eyes?

A: Green

Q: What’s your favorite beverage?

A: I don’t have just one favorite beverage but I like coffee, wines and cocktails

Q: Your favorite shoes?

A: My new boots, or my Converse

Q: Your fave shoes?

A: My cowboy boots and my black leather high heel boots.

Q: Can you paint a picture of your childhood household?

A: It’s a two story home in the middle of a street filled with various homes that look different than it. There’s a field on the left side, and the attic has two dorms. One dorm is on each side of the roof. It was built with wooden walls, painted white. The porch has a little swing and it is painted battleship gray. There is a miniature sidewalk leading to the stairs of the porch, and the mailbox is black and attached to the front wall. There is a screen door with a window on each side of it and a little white railing all the way around the porch. There is also a garage attached on the back side. The house was built in 1945, so it has an older look to it. The staircases are in the back of the house, in a hallway where the garage is attached. There is also a basement, where a washing machine/dryer is located. The basement also includes an air hockey table, television and guitar gear. The attic has a wardrobe in the back and a weight bench near the front.The main level includes the typical bedrooms, kitchen, living room, bathroom, dining room… It is just me, my mom and my dad living here. maybe i answered that correctly, idk. I hope I did. i get carried away when writing

Q: Can you?

A: The house I lived in with my mom, dad and sibling when I was little, was a 3 stories high house with 3 bedrooms, 1,5 bathroom and an attic. It was built in 1983 and is part of one of the oldest neighborhoods of the city I live in [It is a very young city]. All the houses in the street looked the same. We had a small front yard where my dad attempted to keep roses and cute little grape hyacinth.

Through the frontdoor one enters a hallway. There are two doors on the left side, one leads to the kitche and the other to the livingroom. On the right hand there is a staircase that leads to the second flower and also a door that leads to the toilet.

In the backyard there was lots of grass. We had an apple tree and a plum tree and a flower bed where wild strawberries grew. There was a shed where we stored our bikes and other junk. During summer we had a plastic swimming pool in there.

The attic was stuffed with old stuff from my parents.

Q: What kind of present would you give a 6 year old boy?

A small lego set or an action figure.

Q: should you be doing something right now?

A: ehh. Working on schoolwork. And I am, I’m just multitasking…

Q: What’s the weather like where you are?


A:Very-very nice, clear and warm.
Q: Do you have transport problems?

A: Trains are acting up on a daily basis in my area and they are also working on the roads again so by car we now have to travel +/- 30 minutes to an hour, but thanks to traffic jam it can take longer than that to get off “the island” and to other cities in the country.

Q: What was your day like?

Α: I didn’t wanna go to work this morning, weather was cloudy like my mood. I got to work and was surprised that one of my colleagues was back! (he was gone for almost a month now and we didn’t know what happened). It’s so nice having him back, we all missed him, so the day went great after, we talked and all that. When I got home I did laundry and now I’m relaxing.

Q: Yours?

A: I managed to stay positive all day, and things seemed to go my way :slight_smile: So I had a good day for once ^-^

Q: What’s something that you need but keep forgetting to buy?

A: Had to work today. It started with the regular crazy person who comes to City Hall every day, claiming to have a random appointment and who then starts talking trash at any given person. The man was dragged out. City Hall is a public place and so everyone is allowed to walk in and out. We also had a riot after that, of people who didn’t receive their voting pass for tomorrows National Elections and were too late to request one at City Hall. Fun times. Glad to have a day off tomorrow.

A: I need a new bottle of ketchup but forgot to buy it today :stuck_out_tongue:

Q: Best saus you ever tasted?

A: The best sauce I tasted was hot sauce its my favorite because I eat it with fried chicken and other foods ohhhhh I love hot sauce.

Q: what is your favorite TV show that you every watched when you were a baby?

Sorry but mine was cow and chicken made in 1997 to 1999.

Mine was some local cartoons, was watching 2004-2007
Q: What is the first thing ever you can remember from your childhood?

A: When I had concussion after knocking my head very hard.

Q: What was the most traumatic experience you had during your childhood?

A: When i was very small i stood up on a toy car/buggy and poured a pan of boiling hot water all over myself… someone in my family had taught me to play with pans and apparently I thought aye there’s a pan, this looks like a good idea. Still have scars from it, but luckily my dad knew to let me sit in cold water or it would’ve been way worse. I also got scratched by a big dog in that buggy :sweat_smile: I was scared of them for years afterwards…

Q: What is a happy memory that you have from childhood?

A: Being carefree I guess.

Q: What do you do if you have a song stuck in your head and you wanna get rid of it?

A: Blast another playlist of music, usually Papa Roach these days.

Q: Do you prefer eating with a fork or with a spoon?