Can you touch your shoulders?

Α: Do what I love and not what other people want me to.

Q: How’s the weather?

A: It’s great actually when it sunny, but it cold.
Q: what you how’s the weather?

Are you sure you’re from NY and not lying? Your English is really bad. (no offense).

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@evooba I am from NY, It just because I was typing really fast so yeah. I make mistakes sorry

A: I meant to say that it cold in NY but it sunny
Q: How is the weather for you?

It’s cold*, It’s sunny. (Grammar freak, sorry).

A: Cold and crazy windy. I think it’s going to rain later too.

Q: Name 3 things that are on your left right now.


It’s ok, because every one freak out on spelling and grammar its cool. Not mad. :blush: Your just looking out.
A: clothes, books and soda cans. lol :joy:
Q: What about you? What is on your left side?

A e-reader, a multi tool bracelet and some LPU merch))
How was today?

A: Today been great for me infill I have to go to school.

Q: Do u watch anime?

I’ll join the conversation
A: I watch some anime, like Seven Deadly Sins and Fairy Tail, but not all of it interests me.
Q: What’s your favorite movie genre?

A: I like action and a little bit of scary movies.

B: What amusement park would you want to go to?, and what ride would you want to go and on?

The one with nobody in it and whichever is the shortest.

Do you like theme parks?

A: Yes!

Q: Who doesn’t?

Me lol. Too crowded and noisy. Also queuing up for 2h for a ride that lasts a minute should be the official dictionary definition of stupid.

What makes you unseasonably angry?

A:School talks when I come home (especially when I’m tired)
Q: If you could build a theme park, which theme would you choose?

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A: Walking Dead park or something related with apocalypse :grin:

Q: If you could travel through time, where would you go?

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A:This is a tough one. I honestly wouldn’t go back very far. I’d probably go back to the late '60s/early '70s so I could see bands like Led Zeppelin, The Doors, and Jimi Hendrix play. :slight_smile:

Q: What’s the toughest challenge you ever overcame?

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A: Trying to get @theearlywalker to comprehend my emails.

Q: @theearlywalker, can you please read your email now?


I’m not @theearlywalker, so

Becoming social again and learning to sing in front of people without worrying that they’re thinking negatively of me.

Q: Do you like any country artists?

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A: Yeah…Taylor Swift :joy: :joy: and seriously i like Blake Shelton.

Q: What is your best memory of the concert you have ever attended ?

A: The concerts I attended have all been local bands, so getting to hang out with a band at the park would be my best memory :grin:

Q: What is your best concert memory?