Can you touch your shoulders?

Some beef , salad , potatoes and coke. MUCH coke

A: Pizza with extra cheese and olives with a nice glass of red wine and walnut / salted caramel ice cream for dessert.

Q: Have any plans for the weekend?

Going home, chemistry and then biology olympiade
Q: any sports you do?

A: The sports is I did do sports in college does that count because I did volley ball, tennis and now soccer but my favorite sport I love is volley ball.
Q: what about you do you have any sport you like or love or do?

A: I played basketball since I was 5 or something.

Q: Does the night time spook you?

No, I love the night

Q: Do you seek fear?

Sure. I mean, I do not let it hold me back. My biggest fear is fear of heights, but I don’t let it stop me from flying, going into skyscrapers, or riding rollercoasters. I also like ghost-hunting. :smiley:

Do you eat a waffle today?

A: I just had a toastie.

Q: Why waffles in particular?

A: Maybe that’s special waffles? :laughing:

Q: Where do you see LP in 10 yrs

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A: I really don’t know maybe still making good music, but who knows maybe even act for movies

Q: what would you do if some of the band members did movies?

Chester already did. One of the “Saws”(i dont remember which one exactly) and the second Adrenaline

A: Chester’s in a lot of movies, Crank, Saw… I do wanna see Mike score more films though.

Q: Saturday night plans?

Q: No but I wish though
A: Any favorite foods or drink it could be any thing you like?

A: Pizza! :smiley:

Q: What is your favorite dessert?

A: Anything that involves chocolate.

Q: Do you eat breakfast?

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No I just eat lunch and dinner

What’s your favorite fastfood?

A: Pizza

Q: what do you do in your free time?

A: Play with my dogs, watch tv or movies, play video games, sing, play guitar, work out, play sports…the sky’s the limit. I love just being busy and enjoying life. :slight_smile:

Q: Do you get sick often?

A: Once a year, on early spring or winter.

Q: If you were given a chance to visit any country in the world, which would you choose and why?

A: Paris i just want to go there it would be my wish.
Q: what is your dream in life?