Can you touch your shoulders?

Α/Q: Best thing I ever did for myself or someone else?

A: that is a very good question

Q:for yourself…

let go of the past
Q for someone else?

A: ask them lol :stuck_out_tongue:

Q: you feel great today or inbetween or sad?

A: In between, I have PCD.

Q: Do you follow the news?

yes, but only Internet ones( I hate that mess of propaganda on TV)
Q: Do you like your government?

A: Not sure about that. I guess they do good and bad stuff.
Q: Do you still live with your parents?

Yes, I’m only 18 and coming towards the end of my first term in uni. It’s cheaper for me live at home and travel than it is to live on campus

Q: A weird thing that seems to annoy only you?

A: Remember the time you said you get annoyed by bubble wrap?

I have the same problem with styrofoam. I can’t stand the sound and texture of styrofoam.

So don’t make me use my hands to compress styrofoam, or make me use a blunt knife to cut styrofoam. (Styrofoam cups and plates are quite smooth and thin, so they’re alright)

Q: From a scale of 1 to 10, how propaganda is the news in your country?

TV news - 15, Internet - 4\5
And your local news?

Polystyrene squeaking drives me mad. Makes my hair stand on end.

A: sure

Q: how many emails you received today, spam included?

Α: 17 without spam.

Q: What did you do today?

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A/Q explain this grammar form please :joy: what I did, what I will do or what I am doing right now?
lol @evooba

Online on lp site, Q. Name of Mike’s father

A deary? newbie? sooo naive dear that I must shelter ya

Q next explaination: we never… never… never share private stuff ab the band :stuck_out_tongue: golden soldier rule…

What? :S …

scroll up

I don’t understand what you don’t understand. It was a simple question.

Q: What did you do today?

A: rediscovered, a fun site to make your own comics and helped my sibling with a project.

Q: Most fun retro multiplayer video game you ever played with your friends?