Can you touch your shoulders?

:joy: I am German
I drink beer like : Pils, Helles, Weizn or cerveza :beers:

Nvm, the root beer seems like it has too much of a vanilla king of taste, so bad idea :money_mouth:

A: I thought it sounds bad!

Q: What is your favourite alc-drink?

Jack Daniels and coke

What is your fave food?

noodles … every variation :yum:

where are you located?

St. Helens, England

Favourite curry?

The one that doesn’t exist. I don’t like it :stuck_out_tongue:

Q: A popular food you hate?

Nuts because iam severely allergic and they seem to be in everything!!!

Favourite tv show if you have one?

It used to be Top Gear before the whole fiasco

Q: A celebrity you loathe but for a reason you can’t explain or don’t actually know?

Tim Roth

Yay have you watched the grand tour?

LOL, I like him. He can play a very good annoying character.

Yep. Love it. I was an avid TG fan (I’m the resident car nutter of the forum) and now I’m on TGT

Q: What are you really interested in?

Films and music mostly, but a lot of different things

What is your fav film of all time? Can only pick one

  • I can’t pick! But I wouldn’t mind watching Howl’s Moving Castle forever and ever.

  • Ever tried mixing drinks and failed?

yes once i tried mixing Coca Cola Sprite and Fanta together and that was pretty disgusting
what"s your fave app?

None, because they all crash on my phone…which is an s7.

Q: Something weird that happens only to you for the most part that you’ve learned to live with? (e.g. all tech goes wrong around me no matter that brand or age).

well everything i don’t want to happen always happen in the end
Q most embarrassing moment of your life

Oh there’s been plenty. The most recent is that ‘empty post’ joke that I fell for like a complete idiot in the other thread :joy:

Q: How gullible are you?

A most of the time i tend to be skeptic sooooo…
Q illegal school thing you ever did

I sprayed the wall in girls toilet (is that illegal? :stuck_out_tongue: )

Q: Best Christmas memory?

A me puking on my gift lol :grin: :joy: :sweat_smile:
q best thing you ever did