Can you touch your shoulders?

A: Uhhm

Q Do you have a christmas tree yet?

A: No, I don’t think they decorate here.

Q: Why do people decorate so early? Xmas in in 21 days.

Because Christmas lights are pretty…or at least that’s why I decorate early. :smile:

What’s the most expensive thing you bought someone for the holidays (Christmas, Hanukkah, etc.) this year?


I bought my mum a Hoover :joy:
What are you getting for Christmas? (Of you know?)

I just asked for a fleece

Have any plans for new years?

No, I gave up planning

Plans for today?

Just to go to the movies
Hi @theearlywalker

Ready for the holidays?

yes, they start in two weeks over here…

In what sense do you love christmas?

I love getting and giving gifts. :slight_smile: I tend to overdo it when it comes to buying for my nieces and nephews.

Do you have any special holiday traditions?

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Α: No, Xmas is the worst holiday, I dread it every year.

Q: What time did you wake up today?

3/40, then went to sleep again ad woke up at 9/45

do you like flashlights?

A: When it’s pitch dark I do like the flash light function on my phone to sneak to the fridge for that way too tasty snack.

Q: How cold is it where you are right now? [Here is -4 right now and it’s said to be even colder tomorrow]

A: Fairly good over here, it’s 1 degrees right now.

Q: Any exciting plans for the week?

A: I’ve picked up video editing again since a few days ago to help my brother with a school assignment and finally got Windows Movie Maker to work again. [The good one, not the crappy one they offer now via the Windows Appstore]

Q: Are you looking forward to something this week?

Submitting my final assignments for the term

Q: the opposite.

A: I’ve got a bunch of different drinks, hopefully something won’t go wrong.

That leads to the question:

Q: Is it a good idea to mix beer with root beer?

A: if ya want to puke, headche and a dizzy in a few minutes, yes

Q: Have you been in the sun today?

Are you sure you read my question properly?

A: I guess, mhhh, but you ask … so, explain root beer

You mean you never had A&W?

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