Can you touch your shoulders?

I haven’t played any really retro games.

Q: If you had to have a smart-ass remark on your gravestone what would it be?

A kiss my a–
Q awkward moment of the year

as for me this grammar form is very hard to understand- never got it, even not at school, because the combimation did… and do… I never understood, is it asking for the past or the present? that all… like it was with live\life in my brain, till I got the diffrence lol rem :wink: @evooba

What did you do today = How was your day? (simple past)

What have you done today = How is your day? (present perfect to show a period of time that continues till now)

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A: thank you!

Q: What to do if you have to work and can t concentrate?

A: Stop the source of distraction (ex: les forums)

Q: Do you ever felt pressured to quit your job?

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A: Yes

Q: Do you think a good life work balance is overrated

(distracted again :rolling_eyes: :roller_coaster: )

A: Yes

Q: Do you agree with my father who says that I fatigue myself?

A no - it s not you…

Q: are you fatigue?

A - yes sometimes

Q- do you plan on seeing linkin park next year?

A yes
Q do you know that where is linkin park right now :slight_smile:

A: Obviously no.

Q: How’s the weather?

A: It’s been cold and gray out all day

Q: Would you like some fries with that?

A I prefer ketchup MS style

Q:is it warm where you are right now?

A: Only indoors.

Q: What did you do at work today?

A:driving services :joy:

Q: whendoes ya holiday start?

End of tomorrow

Have you ever spilled anything on your computer?


Q: When was the last time you accidentally dropped money (eg: a coin) into your food?


How do you drop a coin in your food?

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dunnow, mb by purpose it as target?

when a spider is above your head,what you do?btw a BIG one… :scream: