Can you touch your shoulders?

A: Buzzfeed food is cool.

Q: Did you know that drinking hot water is good for you? (don’t even ask how I came across this info)

A: Yes, it is said that drinking a hot cup of water in the morning [instead of a coffee or tea] is good for the digestive system.

Q: Are you bored?

A) not really

Q) name of a movie you can keep watching over and over again?

A: Anything Ghibli

Q: Favorite summer treat?

A: Watermelon! Absolutely love that fruit

Q: A book that you can read over and over again?

A: Hmmm… Looking for Alaska by John Green.

Q: Last thing you purchased?

A: lunch

Q: the first thing you put in your suitcase when you pack?

A: Clothes

Q: Most annoying thing you’ve seen on Youtube?

Rich idiots who haven’t the first clue about the cars they’re actually driving.

Q: What sort of stuff do you watch most on yt?

A: Tutorials and music videos

Q: The most disgusting pizza you ever ate?

A: One that had eggs, spinach and blue cheese for toppings.

Q: Anything bizarre happen to you lately?

A: I sprinted the last leg home so I was drenched in perspiration. (Tooked a bath just now)

Q: Have you ever seen anybody adding salt to their carbonated drinks? (Salt makes some of the fizziness go away)

A: Nope

Q: when did you enjoyed Last Time something you missed for a Long Time and what was it?

Can’t remember.

Do you still log into your main site account even though they tried to remove the feature for the transition?

A: No, I forget to visit the main site, I don’t see the point.

Q: How dead are your cities right now? I’m enjoying it too much when everyone’s away on holidays.

You still can if you visit and login:

Yes I know that. I was the one who posted it in another topic :stuck_out_tongue:

Yours was the long-winded way of trying to befriend yourself:

Yeah, it was the only way I could think of. How did you get in?

A: cities Are quiete empty Metro also Busses: you can shelter where you Wanna sit :smiley:

Q: Last annoying situation in a Public Transport aka Bus/Train/Metro?