Can you touch your shoulders?

A: On Wednesday a guy sitting next to me in the bus tried to preach to me about God and how important he is and whatever. He told me a lot of BS, I was pissed. Keep your religion to yourself, don’t force it to other people.

Q: Weekend plans?

A: eating on… Lazy italiano Culture (torture)

Q: Heavy cultural Rituals you find upsetting due To ya own Culture? Or Multi-Culture ? Or Patchwork Culture? :laughing:

Stupid terrorists (I mean terrorists specifically, not Muslim people as a whole, I’m not lasist) who thought Allah told them to blow up a bunch of people.

Q: How insensitive do your jokes tend to be?

A: depending on who is the victim

Q: best and mostly invisible torture Methode you know :stuck_out_tongue:?

A: chalkboard scraping :sweat_smile:

Q : The saddest song you’ve ever heard?

Mad world by Gary Jules? I think thats the singers name

Q: most boring song you have ever heard

The formulaic run of the mill pop garbage on the radio.

Catchiest song you’ve heard recently?

21 plts RIDE

next challange you look fwd to?

A: I don’t have to take on any challenge.

Q: What color was your shirt today?


shoe colour?

A: Gray flip flops :slight_smile:

Q: old game you cannot get enough of?

A: Zelda

Q: what’s an old game that used to scare you?

A : ‘Nein game’
Q : What is the weirdest place you have ever been to?

A: Weird in what sense? There’s a food store in London for monsters for example which is awesome!!

Q: When did you realize Santa wasn’t real?

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Most unusual that make you goosebumps :wink: Good to know there’s a place like that in London :grin:

Maybe when I was 9 or 10

Q: Did somebody tell you or did you find out another way?

A: I woke up one night for whatever reason and saw them wrapping the presents, I was 7 or 8.

Q: Is the toothfairy a thing in your country? (it’s not here)

It became a thing when I came over here.

Q: How gullible are you?

A: I’m not, but I like to trick people in thinking I am.

Q: Ever ate a certain food 3 times in a row in the same week?

A: yes…me and my sister are obsessed with a new taco…

Q: have you ever had to sneak to get something?