Can you touch your shoulders?

A: No.

Q: Are your parents superstitious?

At times


Q: Are you patient?

A) For the most part, yes.

Q) favourite vacation that you had?

Not really.

Q: Give me an example of your parents’ superstition.

For example I was with my dad at a shop once and we had parked over a small oil spill and I asked if it could be from us and he got rather worked up about it and told me to shut up (in case I jinxed it or some shit like that). That’s quite odd for him because it defeats common sense, if it really was from our car then it’s best to be certain at an earlier stage.

Q: Am I the only one who does’t get the thing about opening an umbrella indoors and having bad luck? How else do you dry your umbrella?

I think your father didn’t want you to jinx the police.

A: You simply ignore your parents & dry it in a place where getting the place wet is not an issue, such as the area near the washing machine.

Q: On a typical week, how much laundry does your family have?

I mean in general, my entire family does it. :stuck_out_tongue:

Usually a machine or two full. More in the summer because clothes dry quicker

Q: Do you dry your clothes outside or do you use a tumble drier?

A: Tumble drier not 100% dry, still a little moist, so need some sun crisp dryness.

Q: Do you have some fabric in the house that are never washed? What fabric is it? (Anything from curtains to carpets to duvets to umbrellas)

A: Not really… my mum is a clean freak.

Q: Vacuum, mop or both?

I’d smash the vacuum to smithereens using the mop :stuck_out_tongue:

Q: Does you hate vacuums to the point where you just want to break out a sledge hammer with a nuke strapped to the head whenever you hear one?

A) not really

Q) do you have any allergies?

A: Boredom, otherwise no

Q: How often were you in detention in school?

A) we didn’t have detention at our school, the teachers never wanted to stay back with the students.

Q) did you get a lot of homework at school?

Kinda, in high school I did it all last min like an hour before the lesson :laughing:

Q: Did you have a teacher that just hated you for some reason? What subject?

A) our teachers kept changing more or less every year, but I had one English teacher that sort of disliked me, and the vice principals supervisor. I have no idea why though, i just kept to myself for the most part.

Q) A subject that you loved in school but are just terrible at?

Physics, the whole class flopped the end of unit assessment for the nuclear stuff. I got second highest in the class…with a D, first was a C everyone else got Es and Fs :stuck_out_tongue:

Q: The opposite of the last Q

A) at one point I had business. Hated it but always scored A’s

Q) did you have to be out during recess, even if it was boiling hot or raining?

Only when it wasn’t absolutely chucking it down. Otherwise we were allowed to walk around the buildings in high school. Though whenever it wasn’t lunch I’d just be waiting outside the next classroom because there was nothing to do and for lunch I went home because I lived 300m away from the school :stuck_out_tongue:

Q: Did you have predicted grades, if so what was your most common predicted grade (my GCSE predictions were all Cs I think).

A) no we didn’t have any predicted grades

Q) did you have a uniform?

Yes. In primary school it was dark grey or black trousers with a white polo shirt and school jumper, in high school, it was trousers, a white long sleeve shirt, tie (colour coded to our year group, mine was green), blazer and optional jumper. Oh and black shoes for both uniforms. I could wear anything in college.

In high school they were so strict that they’d give you uniform slips for even having your top button undone and if you got I think 2 or 3 in a week you get Friday lunch detention. Spent 4 years and didn’t get a single one :smirk:

Q: Did you have a separate dress code for PE?